Tuesday 29 September

Photo: Fredrik Persson/Scanpix

Focus on the long term at meeting of finance ministers07:30

On Thursday the informal meeting of finance ministers begins in Göteborg. The meeting is held over two days, 1 and 2 October. The EU’s finance ministers and governors of central banks will discuss how countries can restore good order to the public finances when the need for support measures recedes. They will also talk about how the EU can create a framework to prevent a similarly widespread crisis from happening again.

Informal meeting of finance ministers – Victoria Ericsson behind the scenes09:23

Presidency Statement on the violent events in Conakry, Republic of Guinea11:00

Presidency - Culture: Five questions to director Matjaž Pograjc 11:44

UN General Assembly Week over but the questions live on 13:07

Presidency stresses the importance and value of biological diversity14:30

Pirates and Balkan presence discussed on second day of defence meeting16:40

Invited speakers give their views on the issues to be discussed 17:40

Press invitation: Informal Meeting of Finance Ministers in Göteborg18:10

"The most important thing is an agreement in Copenhagen"20:00

EU statement during at the UN Human Rights Council general debate on the Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories14:44

Wednesday 30 September

Photo: Boris Vasic

"The youth perspective should not be forgotten"08:56

It will soon be time for Linda Wallberg to address the UN General Assembly in New York. Sweden’s youth representative tells us about her speech and the importance of young people's involvement.
"It feels exciting. And I haven’t had time to get nervous yet," says Linda Wallberg.

Meet the Chair: Customs Union Working Party to meet in old Hanseatic city09:15

Press Release: Fredrik Reinfeldt to receive Ban Ki-moon09:47

Stefan Ingves on the informal meeting of finance ministers11:44

Press release: Tobias Billström to take part at UNDP presentation of 2009 Human Development Report13:00

Complicated situation in Honduras15:11

Five questions ahead of the meeting of finance ministers16:15

Press release: The EU welcomes increased openness in the new ICANN approach16:26

Three questions to...16:14

EU statement at the UN Human Rights Council on the follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action 16:52

Weighty issues at meeting of finance ministers19:15

Presidency Statement on recent Asia-Pacific natural disasters22:57

EU statement at the UN Human Rights Council on Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action13:54

Thursday 1 October

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

The Eurogroup opens day in Göteborg09:15

On the morning of 1 October, the Eurogroup will be meeting in Göteborg. The meeting will conclude with a press conference at 11:30 CET. The press conference will be webcast here on se2009.eu.

Webcast: Minister for Finance Anders Borg on today’s meeting09:58

Seminars within the Research, Innovation & Education area10:40

Reinfeldt and Malmström to participate in Baltic Development Forum Summit11:05

Press invitation: Agriculture minister and Commissioner for Health discuss animal welfare in Uppsala14:10

Report on Georgian conflict presented 13:15

Five quick questions for Ambassador Krister Kumlin - EDD15:09

First discussion on credible exit strategies15:47

Meeting in Brussels on women, peace and security15:46

Webcast: Interview with Minister for Financial Markets Odell17:00

"The EU must be a locomotive"16:51

Deeper law enforcement cooperation17:45

Progress on several issues related to financial stability and supervision19:16

Statement by Ministers and Governors on the EU-wide stress test19:20

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the Europen Union on Kenya21:34

Friday 2 October

Photo: AP Photo/Peter Morrison

Ireland votes on Lisbon09:48

On Friday the people of Ireland voted on the EU’s new constitution, the Treaty of Lisbon. But what is it they are voting on? And what consequences will the result of the referendum have? se2009.eu straightens things out.

Hearing on Challenges09:12

Webcast: Lagarde on lessons learnt in wake of crisis10:00

A summit within the summit11:00

Chamber brimful when the Riksdag plays host10:49

"A high quality exchange of views on climate and employment"13:07

Brazil meets the EU at Stockholm Summit11:49

Progress in Croatia's EU accession process13:29

Reinfeldt to receive Lula da Silva for EU-Brazil Summit12:11

EU and US convene a meeting of political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina12:13

Press invitation: Agriculture ministers invited to lunch meeting to discuss milk market12:55

Ambassadors to broaden group of entrepreneurs10:26

The Single Market Award 200914:39

Does gender equality boost economic growth? 15:00

Ministerial Troika between EU and Canada15:26

Main results of informal ECOFIN15:40

Press invitation: Fredrik Reinfeldt on the Irish referendum15:51

Press invitation: EU conference will highlight Sweden’s initiative to support women’s entrepreneurship16:44

Fredrik Reinfeldt to take part COSAC plenary session17:15

UN Human Rights Council calls for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and political prisoners18:45

Monday 5 October

Photo: Kjell Hansson Mild

An EU conference in Umeå on 6–8 October will give Sweden an active role in work on the Directive09:27

Electromagnetic fields are everywhere in our modern society, and for the great majority of us they do not pose any kind of risk. But some professional groups are exposed to such an extent that risks can arise. This includes, for example, people who work with plastic soldering machines or glue-drying machines, and in healthcare with diathermy equipment and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners.

Baltic Sea Strategy to be discussed at the Baltic Development Forum10:26

Ask and Billström to discuss the Stockholm Programme with European parliamentarians10:51

Noticeable difference for EU climate negotiators in Bangkok 10:21

The EU in our daily lives: Labelled tyres provide consumer information11:45

The animal welfare conference – a step towards higher standards 11:21

Web cast: Ministers for Agriculture to discuss milk market crisis over lunch11:43

Speech by Tobias Billström at the launch of the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report on 5 October 200913:50

The milk crisis ‒ background14:51

Climate change important at summit15:48

Press briefing with Tobias Billström ahead of conference in Malmö15:47

EU Nature Directors to meet in Abisko16:11

State Secretary Jöran Hägglund opens SME conference17:06

Many questions on Lisbon Treaty and climate change in the Riksdag chamber18:10

Informal lunch for agricultural ministers to discuss the situation on the milk market18:21

Presidency Statement on the bomb attack on the World Food Programme office in Islamabad18:11

Fredrik Reinfeldt met Matti Vanhanen, Valdis Dombrovskis and Andrius Kubilius18:50

EU statement on scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the UN17:31

EU statement at the General Debate in the UN General Assembly First Committee18:01

EU statement at the Second Committee General Debate in the UN18:12

EU statement by Swedish Minister for Social Security in the UN on social development18:26

EU statement on Women, Peace and Security in the UN Security Council17:39

Tuesday 6 October

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the nomination of President Blaise Compaoré as facilitator in the Guinean crisis09:50

"Three intensive months ahead"10:09

The rights of ship passengers to be discussed at Transport Council in Luxembourg 10:52

More countries get a say in how the Internet is run - The EU welcomes a new U.S. approach to ICANN10:56

Press release: Meeting of EU troika and Australian foreign ministers11:02

Reinfeldt to meet Barroso, Buzek and Fischer13:04

Europe comes to Umeå13:22

Information for the media and accreditation for the conference ‘Towards EU Global Action against Trafficking in Human Beings’ on 19–20 October14:28

Information for the media and accreditation for the conference ‘Labour Migration and its Development Potential in the Age of Mobility’15:31

EU and Brazil prepare for Copenhagen15:50

Energy-efficient tyres get rolling16:01

Fredrik Reinfeldt met with FIFA16:20

The EU in our daily lives: Improvements for passengers15:58

Effective research – for future competitiveness17:05

Press invitation to the 8th European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion 17:03

Ewa Björling met Commissioner Ashton17:46

Press invitation: Discussion on Europe’s competitiveness to focus on companies and consumers 18:08

Brazilian journalist on the summit18:28

EU statement in the UN fifth committee on the expenses of peacekeeping operations17:47

EU statement in the UN on the Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization18:35

Wednesday 7 October

Invitation: Gunilla Carlsson presents European Development Days10:49

The European Development Days (EDD) will be held at Stockholm International Fairs in Älvsjö on 22-24 October. The EDD is being jointly organised by Sweden and the European Commission and is the largest meeting that will be held during the Swedish Presidency, with over 250 international organisations and 4 000 participants, including several heads of state and government from around the world. The meeting is open to the public.

Press invitation: Agriculture minister and Commissioner for Health discuss animal welfare in Uppsala11:10

Cecilia Malmström sounds out Czech Republic13:37

Creative trade experts meet in Stockholm13:25

Last chance for telecom package13:59

Hopes for environmental step forward at Council meeting14:10

"We must be ready to act"15:25

Cecilia Malmström to Prague to discuss Treaty of Lisbon15:53

Strong voices in support of Lisbon Treaty in European Parliament19:40

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Energy opens the European Competition Day 11:57

Thursday 8 October

Joint Statement by the EU Presidency and the Council of Europe Chairmanship on the Death Penalty11:00

Joint Statement by the Presidency of the European Union and the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

EU health ministers to attend extra Council meeting on new influenza 13:16

Presidency - Culture: World-class dance in Umeå14:15

Meeting of EU troika and Australian foreign ministers11:10

Presidency Statement on the bomb attack today in Kabul14:17

EU and Australia move closer to one another15:09

The Stockholm Programme discussed at the COSAC meeting in the Swedish Riksdag16:45

Press invitation: Press conference on the outcome of climate talks in Bangkok16:30

Meet the Chair: Indicators to measure animal welfare19:03

Ambassadors discuss asylum and citizens' rights in criminal proceedings19:08

Fredrik Reinfeldt spoke to Czech President20:27

EU statement on International Criminal Tribunes in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia in the UN16:59

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