Friday 11 September

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

Webcast: EU ambassadors prepared for the General Affairs and External Relations Council11:30

At yesterday’s meeting of Coreper, the ambassadors prepared for next week’s meeting of the General Affairs and External Relations Council. Afghanistan and Iran are some of the issues on the agenda for the Council meeting. The Coreper ambassadors also discussed the EU's relations with the USA.

Agriculture and climate the focus when EU agriculture ministers meet in Växjö 14:45

Meeting content for the informal meeting of ministers for agriculture 10:29

Press invitation: Inland Water Brings Life into the Sea13:37

The politics behind the technicalities13:31

Agreement reached between Croatia and Slovenia15:14

Press invitation High-level conference: European Cities and the Global Climate Challenge15:11

Webcast: Cecilia Malmström ahead of the ministerial conference on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy15:29

EU–South Africa summit today15:29

Meeting on security, economy and environment between EU and Central Asian foreign ministers 12:00

Tobias Billström to take part in migration symposium in Paris16:45

Press release: Carl Bildt and Cecilia Malmström to Brussels for EU Council meetings16:54

Chair’s conclusions from the High-Level Meeting in Strömstad, 7-9 September16:55

Continued reforms important when Gunilla Carlsson visits Zimbabwe17:45

Baltic Sea Week opens 19:05

The climate and the situation in Zimbabwe dominated South Africa meeting18:31

Monday 14 September

Photo: Karolina Hedenmo/Regeringskansliet

Meet the Chair: The cities' role is important for the action on climate change09:08

Today is the first day of the high-level conference on sustainable urban development. Elisabet Falemo, who is State Secretary at the Ministry of the Environment, will take part in the conference.

Webcast: Workshop wrap-up09:32

The report A Green Knowledge Society is delivered to the Minister for Communications 13:00

Speech by Tobias Billström at the symposium 'Migration and integration: the new challenge of globalisation'14:30

The EU at the UN Human Rights Council13:45

Speech of Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren: European Cities and the Global Climate Challenge15:51

Press Release: Investing in Europe’s youth16:09

Webcast: Cecilia Malmström ahead of the General Affairs Council16:20

Press invitation: Göran Hägglund to take part in expert conference on antibiotic resistance 16:44

A significant step closer to a framework for EU’s future Youth Policy17:37

Down to earth on first day of agriculture meeting20:52

General Affairs Council discussed secure energy supply in Europe21:02

Challenging issues discussed when Juncker visited Reinfeldt21:50

EU statement in the UN on gender reform16:00

Media information and accreditation informal ministerial meeting at Europol10:07

EU Statement at the IAEA 53rd General Conference10:35

EU opening statement at UNCTAD's Trade and Development Board 16:33

Tuesday 15 September

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold / RK

Summit invitations sent out12:18

EU heads of state and government will meet for an extra informal meeting in Brussels on Thursday. The invitations from Fredrik Reinfeldt have been sent out today. The purpose of the meeting is to coordinate the EU's position ahead of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh.

Professor Bernd Marin: Countries could learn a lot from each other.09:22

Environment and climate in focus at export credits meeting11:32

EU welcomes decision on gender reform in the UN 12:25

Press release: Seminar on unaccompanied minors12:18

Press release: EU agriculture ministers discussed role of agriculture in climate change13:44

Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström and Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask at the European Parliament13:50

Foreign ministers discussed Iran, Afghanistan and the Southern Caucasus17:48

”Agriculture part of the solution to problem of climate change"18:15

Press release by the Presidency following the EU-Central Asia Ministerial Conference in Brussels on 15 September19:30

EU Statement at the 12th session of the UN Human Rights Council, General Debate, Item 2 10:24

Thursday 17 September

Photo: Patrick Sörquist/ Scanpix

Migration in focus at Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels09:55

When the EU’s ministers for migration meet in Brussels on 21 September, a discussion on a common EU programme for resettlement will be high on the agenda. Other issues that the ministers will discuss are the problem of children who come to the EU without their guardians and the Free Movement Directive, which regulates free movement for citizens of EU countries and their families. Sweden’s Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström will chair the meeting.

Ambitious plan receives Baltic Sea Award18:30

Interview with Ministry for Foreign Affairs Director-General for Legal Affairs Carl Henrik Ehrenkrona on the IHL seminar 09:11

The EU gathers around the Baltic Sea09:23

Press invitation: Ministerial conference on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy10:05

Her Majesty Queen Silvias speach at the Conference on “Healthy and Dignified Ageing" - Royal Park Hotel, Solna, 16 september 200910:06

Press release: Beatrice Ask gathers EU home affairs ministers for discussions on police cooperation10:24

Meet the Chair: Criminal law cooperation will make criminal investigations in the EU more effective11:00

The EU to host a seminar on freedom of expression on the Internet – possibilities and challenges12:42

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the report by the Director of the CPC, Ambassador Salber, on Border-Related Issues13:09

Constructive dialogue on incentives for developing new antibiotics 15:45

Opening speech by Ms Maria Larsson, Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health, at the Conference on Healthy and Dignified Ageing 15 September14:28

Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges: Seminar on Mediterranean relations at Medelhavsmuseet14:50

Presidency Statement on demonstrations in Minsk on 16 September15:28

Behind the scenes at summit17:03

Development of a common EU Arctic policy17:06

Joint statement on the attack on AMISOM in Mogadishu19:54

Exhibition on Baltic environment opened ministerial meeting21:45

Friday 18 September

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

EU Baltic Sea Strategy paves the way17:30

Today the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, President of Estonia Toomas Ilves, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and other representatives of the EU Member States gathered in Stockholm. On the agenda was the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, as well as other similar initiatives in other regions of the EU.

Joint Declaration on the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region17:30

Speech by Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt09:00

Unity ahead of G20 when EU leaders met in Brussels07:26

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU on political prisoners in Eritrea09:00

Press invitation: Informal education ministers’ meeting in Göteborg09:55

Climate change high on the agenda at global gathering 10:17

Press release: Expert Conference on Alcohol and Health, 21–22 September in Stockholm11:07

EU Statement at the Conference on Disarmament 2009 Closing Session, 17 September11:59

Presidency Statement on air attacks in Northern Yemen12:18

Presidency Statement on the Arab-Israeli conflict12:32

Meet the Chair: Sustainable growth produces competitiveness14:23

EU statement at the UN Human Rights Council on the reports of the UN High Commissioner, OHCHR and the Secretary-General 17:35

EU Statement at the 12th session of the UN Human Rights Council, General Debate, Item 3 14:33

EU statement at the UNCTAD 56th session of the Trade and Development Board 16:01

Saturday 19 September

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