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A summit within the summit

In connection with the EU–Brazil summit, there will also be a Business Summit for representatives of the Swedish, EU and Brazilian business communities. The Business Summit is an established part of the annual summits and aims to formulate joint recommendations for the countries' leaders.

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Photo: Boris Vasic/UD

Dr. Ewa Björling and Mr. Miguel Jorge at the opening of the Business Summit.

The Business Summit will be held at the Grand Hôtel at the same time as President Lula and Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt meet at Rosenbad. The annual EU–Brazil summits are always accompanied by a parallel meeting between business representatives.
"Here we have a forum for discussing how to develop trade relations between the EU and Brazil, and how to make the EU more interesting to Brazilian investors and vice versa," says Peter Isling from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. 

 Like the political summit, the Business Summit is a high-profile meeting with prominent names on the list of participants. The chief executives of major companies such as Scania, Telecom Italia and Embraer Aviation from Brazil are among those who stand out. The Swedish and Brazilian trade ministers are also expected to attend the meeting.

 At the end of the Business Summit, meeting representatives will deliver recommendations to Prime Minister Reinfeldt, President Lula and European Commission President Barroso. These recommendations are the result of the talks held during the day.
"The participants will discuss tax issues and put forward joint proposals on ways of simplifying tax regulations. The idea is to make it easier for companies to set up operations in the countries. Energy and climate issues will also be discussed, as well as free trade," says Mr Isling.
 The recommendations delivered will contain jointly agreed solutions and proposals for ways of further developing trade relations.

Fact box:
The Business Summit is an established part of the EU–Brazil summits. This year's meeting is mainly organised by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, though in cooperation with its Brazilian counterpart CNI and the European umbrella organisation Business Europe. Major companies from both the EU and Brazil will take part in the meeting and then deliver recommendations to the political leaders.


02 October



Boris Vasic

Intern, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

+46 (0)8 405 81 03

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