Friday 18 September

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

EU Baltic Sea Strategy paves the way17:30

Today the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, President of Estonia Toomas Ilves, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and other representatives of the EU Member States gathered in Stockholm. On the agenda was the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, as well as other similar initiatives in other regions of the EU.

Joint Declaration on the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region17:30

Speech by Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt09:00

Unity ahead of G20 when EU leaders met in Brussels07:26

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU on political prisoners in Eritrea09:00

Press invitation: Informal education ministers’ meeting in Göteborg09:55

Climate change high on the agenda at global gathering 10:17

Press release: Expert Conference on Alcohol and Health, 21–22 September in Stockholm11:07

EU Statement at the Conference on Disarmament 2009 Closing Session, 17 September11:59

Presidency Statement on air attacks in Northern Yemen12:18

Presidency Statement on the Arab-Israeli conflict12:32

Meet the Chair: Sustainable growth produces competitiveness14:23

EU statement at the UN Human Rights Council on the reports of the UN High Commissioner, OHCHR and the Secretary-General 17:35

EU Statement at the 12th session of the UN Human Rights Council, General Debate, Item 3 14:33

EU statement at the UNCTAD 56th session of the Trade and Development Board 16:01

Saturday 19 September
Monday 21 September

Photo: Europeiska unionens råd

Joint EU resettlement programme main point on the agenda for today's Council meeting13:30

Today, the first Justice and Home affairs council of the Swedish Presidency was chaired by Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy. The main point on the agenda was the Commission initiative on a joint EU resettlement programme.

Press invitation to the European Security Research Conference – SRC0915:25

The first day of the Conference on Alcohol and Health focused on children and young people17:39

The EU in our daily lives: Cross-border studies18:00

Good discussions on EU migration policy at ministerial Council meeting in Brussels19:30

EU-Russia summit in Stockholm on 18 November21:30

“We must pick up the pace in the climate negotiations”22:07

Opening of the UN General Assembly23:58

Tuesday 22 September

Photo: Bertil Ericson / SCANPIX

A better internal market on ministers’ agenda at Competitiveness Council in Brussels10:30

At the meeting of the Competitiveness Council on 24–25 September, the ministers will discuss the EU’s future innovation policy, measures to improve the internal market and the Member States’ work to implement the Services Directive. The ministers will also hold a general discussion on simplified regulation for ‘micro-businesses’. Also on the agenda are the European Research Area, common reporting of consumer complaints and the enforcement of consumer protection legislation.

Presidency Statement on Honduras07:22

Benefits of effective competition in focus on European Competition Day 09:56

The EU should lead the way in the climate negotiations13:15

EU Statement at the 12th session of the UN Human Rights Council, General Debate on Human rights situations that require the Council's attention14:25

Competitiveness meeting in Umeå15:53

Statement at the Summit on Climate Change by Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Sweden16:30

The elderly, marketing and pricing policy in focus at conference on alcohol and health17:55

The UN and climate change 20:21

Japan at the forefront of UN climate efforts21:44

EU Statement at the Plenary Session of the Australia Group09:30

Wednesday 23 September

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/Scanpix

Busy days for Minister for Foreign Affairs Bildt during UN week01:17

Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt has a packed schedule of meetings during his week in New York. Between Saturday 19 September and Monday 28 September, Mr Bildt will have had around fifty different meetings in various constellations. The Minister for Foreign Affairs will meet US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Turkish foreign minister and many others.

Ministers behind the wheel at Scania09:00

Future of teaching profession to be discussed in Göteborg10:20

Nyamko Sabuni receives the European Parliament's committee on internal market and consumer protection13:57

Professional teachers produce good students16:34

Andreas Carlgren comments on the state of negotiations after New York climate summit15:14

Harmful alcohol consumption hinders social progress15:21

Presidency Statement to welcome the declaration by the Rio Group on the situation in Honduras20:41

EU Presidency statement by Fredrik Reinfeldt in the UN General Assembly20:55

"On the threshold of a new era"20:59

Thursday 24 September

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

"Head teachers should support teachers"09:40

Sir Michael Barber, an expert on schoolschooling, is one of the speakers at the informal meeting of education ministers in Göteborg. In one study, he noted that three things are of crucial importance to create successful schools: persuading the best students to choose the teaching profession, making teachers more effective in their teaching role and providing students with the right education based on their abilities. In his speech, Sir Michael Barber focused on the responsibility of head teachers in this work.

EU ministers to appear at Göteborg Book Fair09:45

Fredrik Reinfeldt and Anders Borg to attend G20 summit in USA09:57

Crisis in focus at G20 summit12:28

Press release: Teachers important for successful schools12:45

“Climate change necessitates cooperation in all EU policy areas”12:51

Teaching objectives set out at ministerial meeting14:35

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the address by the Minister of the Interior of the Kyrgyz Republic, H.E. Mr. Moldomusa Kongantiev15:52

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the presentation by the Secretary General of the Annual Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the 2004 OSCE Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality16:20

EU statement in the OSCE on the latest round of Geneva discussions16:39

EU statement in the OSCE on the OSCE/ODIHR Expert Group Report on the Elections to the European Parliament 4-7 June 200916:54

Introduction to the Roundtable by Ms Maria Larsson, at the Conference on Healthy and Dignified Ageing, in Royal Park Hotel, Solna, 16 September 200916:59

Conclusions by Ms Maria Larsson, at the Conference on Healthy and Dignified Ageing, in Royal Park Hotel, Solna, the 16 September 2009.17:27

Ministers adopted conclusions on internal market at Council meeting 18:30

UN takes action to curb nuclear proliferation in historic meeting 23:03

Statement by Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Carl Bildt, on behalf of the EU at the Article XIV Conference facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty10:56

Quartet Statement on the Middle East14:53

Speech by Gunilla Carlsson at UNRWA:s 60th anniversary15:57

Friday 25 September

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/Scanpix

Packed agenda for G20 leaders09:55

The political leaders of 19 countries and the EU, which together represent 85 per cent of the world economy, are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the autumn’s G20 summit. US President Barack Obama is the host, and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Minister for Finance Anders Borg and President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso are representing the EU at the summit.

Webcast: Press Conference from the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh08:35

EU trade ministers held discussions on trade policy challenges at informal dinner10:51

Webcast: Ambassador Olof Skoog on the work in the PSC10:55

How the EU can use its battlegroups11:01

Press invitation: Informal meeting of defence ministers in Göteborg11:49

Innovative solutions to global challenges12:10

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU on the appointment of a Moldovan Government13:09

Climate change: Bangkok meeting must make decisive progress towards ambitious global deal 13:34

Agriculture ministers invited to lunch meeting to discuss milk market15:00

Topics for discussion at the upcoming informal Ecofin meeting in Göteborg15:01

EU calls for continued and increased support for UNRWA 15:36

Research and innovation important to a competitive Europe16:04

Climate change and deforestation17:25

Quartet calls for peace negotiations in the Middle East17:16

Side-event on - Debating the death penalty: Experiences from different regions17:21

Maritime surveillance and battlegroups to be discussed at ministerial meeting18:50

”Six months in the EU driving seat”21:53

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