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Fredrik Reinfeldt on EU-Russia summit

Today Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt receives Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Stockholm for a third-country summit. The Swedish Presidency’s two main priorities, climate change and the economy, will be discussed, as well as energy issues and bilateral relations.

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

EU-Russia Summit

How close are the EU’s and Russia’s views on these issues?
“Because these are common challenges, we have a shared interest in addressing them. I hope that we can have a good discussion today and that the summit will contribute to strengthening relations between the EU and Russia. The breadth of our cooperation is unique, and we will continue to build on this.”

There are now less than three weeks left until the UN Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen. What do you hope today’s discussions with President Medvedev will achieve with regard to climate change?
“Russia has an important role to play in Copenhagen and we are agreed that a comprehensive agreement must be reached at the conference in December. However, this means that Russia must also curb or reduce its emissions. A lot of this could be achieved through increased energy efficiency and we have offered to collaborate with Russia in this area.”

Over recent years large parts of Europe have found themselves without gas and heating in the winter. How can we ensure that those who live in the EU are spared the cold this winter?
“We are of course following the situation closely, even if the responsibility for meeting their commitments essentially lies with the companies concerned and the respective countries’ governments. I hope that we can have good discussions with President Medvedev today on the whole question of energy.”

One of the Swedish Presidency’s priorities is the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Russia also borders on the Baltic Sea. Will Russia get involved in the strategy?
“The Baltic Sea Strategy is first and foremost an internal EU strategy, but we also welcome countries outside the EU and other regional players to participate in its implementation. For example, Russia is already involved in cooperation on health issues.”

What future areas of cooperation do you envisage between the EU and Russia?
“Russia is our largest neighbour and it is evident and necessary that we will continue to have good cooperation. Russia is also an important trade partner and the EU’s most important energy supplier. Future Russian membership of the WTO would further strengthen our trade relations. In addition, we hope to be able to make travel between the EU and Russia easier, both for tourists and for businesspeople.”


18 November



European Council (not council-specific)


Stockholm, Sweden


  • Roberta Alenius

    Press Secretary to Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

    +46 8 405 49 04

    +46 702 70 72 17


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