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Industry meeting at summit

An Industrialist Roundtable (IRT) was held in connection with Wednesday's EU-Russia summit. IRT is a business sector cooperation between the EU and Russia.

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

President Medvedev greets IRT participants

The issues brought up at the IRT included conditions for trade and investment between the EU and Russia, future Russian accession to the WTO and corruption-related problems.

Participants at the meeting included European and Russian leading businessmen, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton and Minister for Trade Ewa Björling. The two IRT co-Chairmen are Nils S. Andersen from Möller-Maersk and Anatolij Tjubajs from the Russian state-owned nanotechnology company Rusnano.

Since 1997, IRT is organised in connection with the autumn summits between the EU and Russia. The IRT issues recommendations to the summit. You can find the recommendations in pdf format in the right-hand column.


18 November



Stockholm, Sweden


Sofia Karlberg

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+46 8 405 41 64

+46 70 233 01 18

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