Denna webbplats fungerar numera som arkiv och uppdateras inte. Här fanns tidigare ett foto som är borttaget på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.

This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d’auteur.

Welcome to Stockholm

Stockholm has approximately 2 000 000 inhabitants and is growing fast. It is the region’s economic and financial centre and has one of the world’s largest information technology clusters. Stockholm hosted the informal meeting of ministers for justice and home affairs (JHA) on 15–17 July and the informal meeting of ministers for foreign affairs (Gymnich) on 4-5 September.

Denna webbplats fungerar numera som arkiv och uppdateras inte. Här fanns tidigare ett foto som är borttaget på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.

This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

Historic surroundings in Stockholm

Stockholm's immediate vicinity offers a great number of interesting destinations. These include three sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List: the beautiful Skogskyrkogården (the Woodland Cemetery), with its highly innovative modernist and natural-romantic landscape architecture; Drottningholm Palace, with its theatre and park, also referred to as the Versailles of the North and home of the Swedish Royal Family; and the remains of the Viking settlement Birka, on Björkö island in Lake Mälaren. (

Today's weather and forecast

Useful links

  • Getting to Stockholm,
  • Accommodation in Stockholm,
  • Download and read the Sweden vacation guide,
  • Stockholm Tourist Office
  • City of Stockholm