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EU concerned over humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka

At today's Council meeting, the foreign ministers adopted a plan to strengthen EU action in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to make it more effective. In addition, the Council expressed its concern over the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka. The ministers' discussions also covered the Middle East peace process and Iran's nuclear programme. Sweden's Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt chaired the Council meeting.

Photo: The Council of the European Union

Minister adopt plan for EU action in Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Council took an important step forward in the EU’s relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan with the adoption of an action plan for strengthened EU involvement in the region.

“The EU wants to take active steps to contribute to steering developments in the two countries in a positive direction. The plan reflects the strategic importance of this region for the EU”, says Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt.
The plan addresses the areas where further efforts are required and where the EU has the possibility to make a meaningful contribution. For Afghanistan it is a matter of strengthening local government, legal security and rural development. For Pakistan it is a matter of supporting reforms within the security sector, strengthening civil society and the rule of law, and developing cooperation in areas such as non-proliferation, counter-terrorism and increased trade with the EU. The plan also includes measures for increased regional integration. Towards the end of the year, a structure will be finalised for how the plan is to be implemented and financed.
The ministers also discussed the latest developments in the countries. The EU supports Pakistan’s efforts to regain control in South Waziristan and at the same time recalls the importance of protecting the civilian population during the ongoing conflict.
On Afghanistan, the discussions focused on the second round of the Presidential elections, planned for 7 November. The EU will send election observers to Afghanistan. The ministers stressed the importance of measures to keep election fraud and violence in check.
“Afghanistan needs a new start with a stable, legitimate government that can tackle the major challenges the country faces”, says Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt.

Concern over humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka

The ministers discussed Sri Lanka and expressed their concern over the human rights situation in the country. The armed conflict between government forces and the Tamil guerrilla went on for 26 years. In May 2009 the army finally defeated the guerrillas. Since then, over 250 000 people who fled during the fighting have remained in refugee camps. The EU welcomes the latest reports that refugees have increasingly begun to return home, and hopes that this will continue.
“It is crucial that the Government in Sri Lanka now ensures that these refugees can return home voluntarily and with dignity”, says Mr Bildt.
The Commission presented a report at the Council meeting showing that Sri Lanka has not fulfilled a number of commitments on human rights. The commitments are a requirement for the country to be allowed to export goods to the EU without paying customs duties. It is hoped that the Sri Lankan Government will act to improve the situation. Otherwise, the next step will be for the Commission to present a proposal to the Council, which will then decide whether Sri Lanka’s privileges should be suspended.

EU work for peace in the Middle East

The High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, reported from his trip to the region. The ministers had an exchange of views on the situation in the Middle East and discussed how the EU can contribute to a renewal of the peace process.

Iran and Western Balkans discussed at foreign minsters' dinner

During Monday evening's dinner for the foreign ministers, Iran was discussed. The ministers were agreed on the importance of finding a long-term solution to the issue of Iran's nuclear programme. Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt also informed the Council about his meeting with Bosnian leaders outside Camp Butmir outside Sarajevo on 20–21 October.


27 October



Luxemburg, Luxembourg


Jonna Danlund

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