General Affairs and External Relations

EU Common Foreign and Security Policy during the Swedish Presidency

23 December 15:50

The final Council meeting has been concluded and the priority issues have come to a conclusion. It is almost time for Spain to take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. Below, there is a summary of the results achieved in EUs Common Foreign and Security Policy during the Swedish Presidency.

Carl Bildt, Minister for Foreign Affairs, on foreign affairs during the Swedish Presidency

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General Affairs Council

General Affairs Council

In the General Affairs Council, some Member States are represented by their foreign ministers while others have special ministers responsible for EU affairs. During the Swedish Presidency, Cecilia Malmström, Minister for EU Affairs, will be chairing the General Affairs Council. In Council, issues extending over several policy areas are addressed, including issues such as EU treaties, the Lisbon Strategy, the EU financial framework and enlargement. One important task is to prepare the meetings of the European Council, better known as summits. Issues under the umbrella of General Affairs include openness and transparency in the work of the institutions.

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region