Here you can find all contacts in the field of environment in alphabetical order.

  • All contacts

    • Karin Anderberg

      Media Attaché

      Photo Coordinator

    • Åsa Andrae

      Deputy director, Ministry for Foregin Affairs

      IEG, WPIEI Global

    • Stefan Appelgren

      Desk Officer, Ministry of the Environment

      Atomic Attachés meeting, 13-15 July 2009

    • Lars Berg

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Environment

      High-level meeting: Visions for Biodiversity Beyond 2010, 7-9 September 2009, Alternate WPIEI Biodiversity, Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)

    • Ulf Björnholm-Ottosson

      Counsellor, Brussels

      EU strategy on sustainable development (SDS), Eco-efficient economy, Industry and Environment, Biodiversity, Transport and the environment

    • Johan Bodegård

      Director, The Swedish Species Information Centre

      Chair WPIEI Biodiversity, WPIEI CITES

    • Svante Bodin

      Director, Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Climate Change, ETMA and SCIENCE

    • Marcus Carlsson Reich

      Attaché, Brussels

      Contact person for the EU institutions, the Ozon regulation, EMAS regulation, Informal meeting for environment attachés, Stockholm, 26-28 July 2009.

    • Viktoria Chlot

      Information Officer, Ministry of the Environment

    • Angela Churie-Kallhauge

      Swedish Energy Agency

      WPIEI Climate Change, EGAD

    • Nina Cromnier


      Chair WPIEI Basel, WPIEI Chemicals, WPIEI Synergies

    • Caroline Dahlbom

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Co-ordinator WPIEI Working Party on International Environmental Issues

    • Elisabet Dahlén Jonsson

      Press Officer at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union

    • Marie Dahlström

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment


    • Michael Diemer

      Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Alternate WPIEI CITES

    • Ida Edwertz

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Alternate WPIEI Global

    • Lars Ekecrantz

      Director, Ministry of Environment

    • Erika Ekman

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Legal expert, WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Anna Engleryd

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Chair WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Lars-Åke Erikson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Environment

    • Eva-Lena Fahlström

      Press assistant to Minister of the Environment Andreas Carlgren

    • Jerker Forssell

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Chemicals, mercury

    • Susanne Gerland

      Legal Adviser, Ministry of Environment

      4th General Assembly of the IMPEL Network

    • Agnes von Gersdorff

      Deputy Chief negotiator climate, Ministry of Environment

      Alternate WPIEI Climate Change

    • Ola Göransson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of the Environment

      High-level conference: European Cities and the Global Climate Challenge, 14-15 September

    • Petra Hagström

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Expert metals, WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Trygve Hallingstad

      Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Horizontal

    • Erik Hammarskjöld

      Ambassador, Ministry of Environment

    • Karolina Hedenmo

      Information Officer, Ministry of the Environment

    • Anna-Karin Hedström

      Director, Ministry of Environment

    • Emi Hijino

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Climate Change, MEX

    • Leif Holmberg

      Political adviser to the Minister of the Envrionment Andreas Carlgren

      Ministry of the Environment

    • Niklas Johansson

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Expert POP, WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Jon Kahn

      Director, Ministry of Environment

      Chair WPIEI Horizontal

    • Theresa Kjell

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Basel

    • Inger Klöfver

      Consultant, Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Climate Change, EGFA

    • Mats Lindgren

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Alternate WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Eva Lindhé

      Head of Information Services, Ministry of Environment

    • Johanna Lissinger Peitz

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Bisittare Alternate WPIEI Chemicals, POPs, Synergies

    • Helena Looström-Urban

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      WPIEI Climate Change, REP

    • Cecilia Kindahl

      Information Officer, Ministry of the Environment

    • Michael Löfroth

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Meeting of Nature Conservation Directors, 7-8 October 2009, Abisko

    • Åsa Marklund Andersson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Environment

      Chair PRTR, WPIEI Aarhus

    • Petra Menander Åhman

      Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Alternate WPIEI Desertification

    • Sara Modin

      Information Officer, Ministry of Environment

    • Hans Nilsagård

      Deputy director, Ministry of Agriculture

      WPIEI Climate Change, LULUCF

    • Annika Nilsson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Environment

    • Charlotte Nording Gabrielsson

      Information Officer, Ministry of Environment

    • Sara Nyberg

      Climate Clerical Officer, Ministry of the Environment

    • Larsolov Olsson

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Expert Gothenburg Protocol, WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Johan Pettersson

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Alternate PRTR, WPIEI Aarhus

    • Karin Rappsjö Emanuelli

      Political Adviser to Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

      Ministry of the Environment

    • Michael Rantil

      Swedish Energy Agency

      WPIEI Climate Change, TECH

    • Anna Sander


      Chair of Working Party on Technical Harmonisation, Construction Products

    • Per Sjögren-Gulve

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      WPIEI Biodiversity, Bern convention, CMS

    • Martina Smedberg

      Deputy director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Chair WPIEI Desertification

    • Mette Svejgaard Lyngsøe

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Alternate WPIEI Biosafety

    • Mark Storey

      Swedish Energy Agency

      WPIEI Climate Change, EGIF

    • Charlotta Sörqvist

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Environment

      Chair WPIEI Biosafety

    • Gábor Szendrö

      Counsellor, Brussels

      Chair Working Party on Atomic Questions, Euratom, nuclear safety and security, radiation protection

    • Zofia Tucinska

      Counsellor, Brussels

      Climate change, Waste and recycling, Air quality, Environment technology

    • Anders Turesson

      Chief negotiator climate, Ministry of Environment

      Chair WPIEI Climate Change

    • Monica Törnlund

      Counsellor, Brussels

      Chemicals, the marine environment, Soil, GMO

    • Tomas Uddin

      Chief of staff

      Ministry of the Environment

    • Maria Ullerstam

      Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      Expert air pollution, WPIEI CLRTAP

    • Loïc Viatte

      Desk Officer, Ministry of the Environment

      Meeting coordinator for the Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers, 24-25 July 2009

    • Martin Widstam

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Environment

      WPIEI Climate Change, LEX

    • Carolina Wuilmart

      Deputy director, Division for International Affairs

    • Anna Yazgan

      Desk officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Rio +20, WPIEI Global

    • Maria Åhs

      Desk officer, Ministry of Environment

      Alternate, WPIEI Basel

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