Contact – Environment

In the section below, you can search for the right contact person within the area of Environment. You can get in touch with people for statements, background information on a factual issue or information on those meetings that relate to the area. Click on the heading "Show all" to show all contacts in the subject area in alphabetical order.

  • Statements

    Are you looking for a statement on the Swedish Presidency’s position within the area of Environment?

    • Lennart Bodén

      Press Secretary to the Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

      Ministry of the Environment

    • Karin Rappsjö Emanuelli

      Political Adviser to Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

      Ministry of the Environment

    • Leif Holmberg

      Political adviser to the Minister of the Envrionment Andreas Carlgren

      Ministry of the Environment

    • Tomas Uddin

      Chief of staff

      Ministry of the Environment

  • Background information

    Are you looking for factual information on a specific topic within the area of Environment?

  • Meeting information

    Are you looking for practical information about one of the events being arranged by the Presidency in the area of Environment?

  • Contacts in Brussels

    Would you like to contact the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels?

Lennart Bodén

Press Secretary to the Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

Ministry of the Environment

Phone: +46 8 405 22 69

Mobile: +46 70 950 22 45

Send email to Lennart Bodén

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Sweden abroad

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Contact the ministries

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  • What happens to the emails I submit?

    Please be aware that emails to contact persons are considered to be public documents and will therefore be entered into the relevant ministry's register. Anyone who wishes to view received emails can contact the relevant ministry's Senior Registry Clerk. Please note that contact persons reply to emails as time permits. During periods of high workload, there may be a delay before replies are sent. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.