Statements (CFSP)

Presidency Statement on the election process in Afghanistan

The Presidency of the European Union continues to emphasise the importance of full respect for the electoral process in Afghanistan. At this crucial point, the Presidency particularly welcomes and underlines the continued need for cooperation between the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) and the Independent Election Commission (IEC) in certifying the preliminary results by means of an audit and recount.

The Presidency furthermore urges all stakeholders to respect the rule of law and to continue to take responsibility for the stability and unity of Afghanistan.

The Presidency reiterates the European Union’s full support for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the efforts that it provides through the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Ambassador Kai Eide.


19 October



  • Cecilia Julin

    Head of Communications, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    +46 8 405 57 25

    +46 708 67 39 94

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