Contact – Economic and Financial Affairs

In the section below, you can search for the right contact person within the area of Economic and Financial Affairs. You can get in touch with people for statements, background information on a factual issue or information on those meetings that relate to the area. Click on the heading "Show all" to show all contacts in the subject area in alphabetical order.

  • Statements

    Are you looking for a statement on the Swedish Presidency’s position within the area of Economic and Financial Affairs?

    • Anna Charlotta Johansson

      Press Secretary to Minister for Finance Anders Borg

      Ministry of Finance

    • Mia Widell

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Local Government and Financial Markets Mats Odell

      Ministry of Finance

    • Markus Sjöqvist

      Press Secretary to Minister for Finance Anders Borg

      Ministry of Finance

  • Background information

    Are you looking for factual information on a specific topic within the area of Economic and Financial Affairs?

    • Kristian Seth

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Finance

      Chair of the Working Party on Own Resources

    • Patrik Granström


      Overall responsibility for the activities in the Ecofin Council, Chair of the Working Party of Financial Counsellors, General economic issues including EMU, European Investment Bank and financial instruments

    • Karin Knutsson

      Deputy Financial Counsellor

      Deputy Chair of the Working Party of Financial Counsellors, ECOFIN coordination

    • Charlotta Erikson


      Chair of the Working Party on Financial Services. Alternative Investment Funds, supervision, surveillance

    • Ulf Rehnberg


      Chair of the Council Working Party on Tax Questions, Fiscal Affairs: Direct Taxation, excise duties

    • Kristina Åkesson


      Chair of the Budget Committee, Budget, Own resources. Meeting Coordinator for Informal meeting of the Budget Committee

    • Sara Almer


      Chair of Working Party on Combating Fraud, budget, financial control, audit

    • Magdalena Petersson

      Deputy Director

      Chair of the Working Party on Financial Services, market abuse

    • Jianying Liu-Wijkander

      Deputy Director

      Chair of the Working Party on Financial Services, Capital Requirements

    • Kenneth Edgren

      Deputy Director

      Chair of the Working Party on Financial Services, Legal Certainty

    • Paulina Dejmek


      Chair of the Working Party on Financial Services. Financial services, Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), Prospectus Directive

    • Eva-Lena Norgren

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting coordinator for Financial Services Committee. Chair of Working Party on Financial Services.

    • Eva Posjnov

      Senior Adviser

      Chair of Council Working Party on Tax Questions, reduced VAT rates

    • Susanne Åkerfeldt

      Senior Adviser

      Chair of Working Party on Tax Questions, Energy Tax Directive

    • Monica Falck

      Senior Adviser

      Chair of Council Working Party on Tax Questions, Tobacco Tax Directive

    • Ulrika Hansson

      Senior Adviser

      Chair of Council Working Party on Tax Questions, VAT on Financial Services, Invoicing Directive

    • Christina Eng

      Senior adviser

      Chair of the Council Working Party on Tax Questions, Interest and Royalty Directive, Coordination Direct Taxation

    • Carl Gustav Fernlund

      President, Administrativ Court of Appeal in Gothenburg

      Vice Chair of Code of Conduct Group

  • Meeting information

    Are you looking for practical information about one of the events being arranged by the Presidency in the area of Economic and Financial Affairs?

    • Peter Holmgren

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting coordinator for informal ECOFIN meeting

    • Urban Funered

      Project Manager, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting coordinator for the Ministerial eGovernment Meeting and Conference.

    • Kristina Åkesson


      Chair of the Budget Committee, Budget, Own resources. Meeting Coordinator for Informal meeting of the Budget Committee

    • Eva-Lena Norgren

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting coordinator for Financial Services Committee. Chair of Working Party on Financial Services.

    • Per Aldskogius

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting Coordinator for Informal meeting with the European Parliament's Budget Committee

    • Henrik Källsbo

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting coordinator for High Level Meeting on Governance and the EU

    • Göran Rodin

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Finance

      Meeting coordinator for Fifty-third meeting of Directors-General of the EUPAN network

  • Contacts in Brussels

    Would you like to contact the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels?

    • Jörgen Gren

      Press Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union

Gina Bayoumi

Information Officer, Ministry of Finance

Phone: + 46 8 405 23 15

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  • What happens to the emails I submit?

    Please be aware that emails to contact persons are considered to be public documents and will therefore be entered into the relevant ministry's register. Anyone who wishes to view received emails can contact the relevant ministry's Senior Registry Clerk. Please note that contact persons reply to emails as time permits. During periods of high workload, there may be a delay before replies are sent. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.