Photo: Maj-Britt Nilsson/Regeringskansliet

Young Reporters sum up the Presidency: the EU isn’t that complicated!

The visit of the Commission to Stockholm on 1 July, an informal meeting of finance minsters in Göteborg and COP15 in Copenhagen. These are examples of some of the meetings that Young Reporters have covered during the Swedish Presidency of the EU. When the reporters sum up the Presidency, both pupils and teachers are in agreement that they have learnt a lot more about the EU, the reporters have been well received by both ministers and media and the project has been characterised by whole-hearted commitment.

Young Reporters and the 2009 Swedish EU Presidency

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Young reporters Eric and Emely sum up their experiences during the Presidency, 9 December

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Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. La transmission en flux continu et la séquence en web TV se trouvant précédemment ici ont été placées dans les archives.
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