
The primary objective of the Presidency

The EU must continue to take responsibility for the climate threat. The great challenge of our time is to avert the climate threat and combat global climate change. Climate change has a major impact on societies, individuals and coming generations. The EU will continue to pursue global climate efforts. The task of the Presidency, together with other parties, is to work for the adoption of a new climate agreement during the international climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December. Find out more about the Swedish EU Presidency's ambitions and goals in the work programme and under these tabs.

A global agreement for reduced emissions

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is the core of international climate efforts. Nearly all the countries of the world take part in work with the Climate Convention. The Kyoto Protocol contains commitments on emission reductions for the industrialised countries up to 2012. At the Conference of the Parties to the Convention in Copenhagen in December 2009, a decision will be taken on new commitments for the period after 2012. The Presidency’s most important objective is to lead the EU and, together with other parties, to agree on an international climate agreement at the meeting in Copenhagen.

The EU has been and remains proactive in climate efforts ahead of the meeting in Copenhagen. During the French Presidency, an ambitious legislative package on how the EU itself is to meet the climate threat was adopted. The EU has agreed that it will reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 30 per cent by 2020 compared with 1990 levels if other industrialised countries make similar commitments. Otherwise the EU will unilaterally reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent by 2020 compared with 1990.

At the same time it is clear that the EU, which accounts for 14 per cent of worldwide emissions, cannot counteract climate change on its own. It is therefore important that a new global agreement is put in place.

Adjusting and financing to gain general approval

A number of critical problems remain in the international negotiations. The first is how the industrialised countries are to achieve emission reductions amounting to 25–40 per cent. Adequate and binding commitments on future emission reductions for industrialised countries are necessary. The second is that agreement must be reached on emission limitations in growing economies. Measures in these countries in the medium term are also crucial to the prospect of reversing the global trend of increased emissions and to keeping the goal of two degrees within reach. The third critical problem to be solved is financing for adjustments, emission reduction measures in and technology transfer to developing countries. Adjustment measures are necessary to deal with the damage that climate change has already caused and will cause in the future. Development of emissions trading markets and market-based instruments is necessary, as is increased public financing as a complement. There are several proposals as to how funds are to be generated, managed and administered, which will be further discussed during the autumn.

The EU’s role

Continued agreement in the EU is necessary in order to move the negotiations forward. The adoption of the EU climate and energy package means that the EU has agreed on an ambitious climate policy. Development of EU policy must continue with regard to issues such as financing, not least to respond to the expectations that the developing countries place on the EU. We need a broad agreement for the period after 2012. The EU also needs to get other industrialised countries to commit to ambitious emission reductions. New positions within the EU are necessary to prepare in order to be able to act in the international negotiations. The basic premise of the Presidency is, in consensus and with respect for national conditions, to promote unity in the EU and to uphold the EU’s responsibility as a positive force in the climate negotiations.

The EU has an important role to play in relation to the developing countries, which are often particularly at risk and vulnerable to climate change. A central issue, both ahead of the Copenhagen Summit and in the longer term, is the need of effective support to facilitate adjustment of countries and people to the effects of climate change. The Commission on Climate Change and Development initiated by the Swedish Government is an important contribution. The Presidency will move the EU forward in these issues, which are also important to the design of future development cooperation from the Member States and the European Commission.

Further, the Presidency’s ambition is that strong political leadership by the EU will promote the transition to an eco-efficient economy where opportunities for growth are strengthened and environmental and climate considerations are utilised. The Presidency will initiate a discussion so as to allow this development.

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