Transport, Telecommunications and Energy

Webcast: Åsa Torstensson sums up the work of the Presidency in the Transport and Telecommunications Councils

28 December 08:56

During the Swedish Presidency, Minister for Communications Åsa Torstensson has chaired the Transport and Telecommunications Councils. Here she talks about the greatest challenges the Councils have had to tackle and the successes she sees as most important for the continued development of the EU in these areas. The film is in Swedish and a transcript in English is provided below.

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This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

Globalisation calls for more and new sustainable transport solutions. A sustainable, eco-efficient transport system will be a central issue during the Swedish presidency.

Europe needs a transport system where individual modes of transport are interlinked and work together. We need a single coherent and efficient transport system – not 27 different ones! By ensuring that the various components of the transport system work together more effectively we can contribute to a reduction in climate impact. The presidency will prioritise work relating to the development of future transport policy.

Denna webbplats fungerar numera som arkiv och uppdateras inte. Här fanns tidigare ett foto som är borttaget på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.

This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

The information society is a crucial element in Europe’s growth and competitiveness. IT can also help Europe develop into a leading knowledge-based economy.

The EU needs a future-oriented regulatory framework for electronic communication. A decision on the Telecommunications Package is likely to be taken jointly by the European Council and the European Parliament during the presidency.

The European Commission’s action plan, i2010, has formed the basis of a common European IT policy. The presidency will contribute to ongoing work on a strategy for promoting the development of an information society after 2010.

Other important issues include efforts to make better use of the frequency range within the framework of the Baltic Strategy, the ‘digital divide’ and the question of a common broadband strategy.

Denna webbplats fungerar numera som arkiv och uppdateras inte. Här fanns tidigare ett foto som är borttaget på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.

This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

Energy-related issues will continue to have high priority, particularly in view of ongoing international climate negotiations. A transition to an eco-efficient European economy is essential to European competitiveness, security of supply and the environment.

Council work during the Swedish presidency will be devoted in large part to the Second Strategic Energy Review, an action plan for energy security and energy solidarity, and to the package of initiatives on security of energy supply presented by the Commission in November 2008 and endorsed by the Council in the spring of 2009. The focus in the coming autumn will be on the energy efficiency aspects of the package and the significance of climate measures for secure energy supply.

Renewable energy, air travel and mobile telecommunications

This Council meets at least four times a year. Which ministers meet depends on what topics are on the agenda. These could, for example, be traffic safety, mobile phone roaming charges or EU oil imports. During Sweden’s Presidency, two additional informal meetings will be held, in Åre and in Malmö, for the ministers responsible for energy issues and e government respectively.