Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs

Maria Larsson and Göran Hägglund sum up the Presidency

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Labour market inclusion

Work forms an important factor in economic and social welfare for both the individual and society as a whole. The EU must take measures to reduce the negative effects of the ongoing crisis and at the same time address future challenges resulting from an ageing population. The Presidency will discuss how to prevent those who become unemployed now from ending up in long term exclusion and the importance of trying to find ways back into work for those who, even before the crisis, had a reduced work capacity because of ill health. The Presidency will emphasise the importance of an active labour market policy combined with an active social security policy. The discussion will contribute to the work on the EU’s new strategy for growth and jobs which will replace the Lisbon Strategy.

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Gender equality and non-discrimination

Extensive work is currently underway in the EU aimed at reviewing discrimination and gender equality issues. The Commission’s proposal for a directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation outside the field of employment is under discussion in 2009. The Commission has also presented a proposal for a directive aimed at making it easier for women to start and run businesses and improving the position of assisting spouses. The proposal is now being processed by Council working groups, as is a proposal on improved safety and health at work for workers who are pregnant, have recently given birth or are breastfeeding. At the end of the year the Council will also discuss how the gender equality dimension can be strengthened in continued EU cooperation to promote economic growth, increased employment and enhanced competitiveness.

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Healthy and dignified ageing

A growing proportion of elderly people in the population presents a challenge and an opportunity to all EU countries.
The goal of the Swedish Presidency has been to enhance dignity and quality of life for elderly persons in Europe. Several Member States are giving priority to efforts to ensure high standards of elderly care that provides dignity in old age. To achieve this dignity in elderly care, it is important to ensure that those who are working  with health and social issues cooperate better and place the focus on the elderly person.
The Swedish Presidency wanted to find new ways to cooperate and cordinate and point to good examples in different EU countries. Through the initiative the Presidency wanted to put elderly issues on the EU agenda in a longer-term perspective.

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Prevention av alcohol-related harm

Within the EU harmful alcohol consumption is a threat to public health, social welfare and economic development. This is why the Presidency has prioritised the work to prevent harm caused by alcohol consumption.

The Presidency has supported the implementation of the horizontal EU alcohol strategy and the establishment of long-term preventive work at both EU and national level. The goal has been to reduce alcohol-related harm in the Union.

In autumn 2006, the European Commission adopted a strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm in the EU. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have expressed their full support for the Commission's strategy. This has led to alcohol issues being given a more prominent place in EU cooperation.

The Swedish Presidency has considered it important to strengthen the protection of children and young people. The issue to which the Presidency has been giving particular priority has been to reduce the impact of advertising and marketing on young people.

Other issues to which the Presidency has wanted to draw attention include the influence of price on the development of damage and the effects of harmful alcohol consumption on healthy and dignified ageing.

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Rights of patients to health care in another EU country

The Swedish Presidency has continued to pursue negotiations on a proposal for rules on the rights of patients when receiving care in another EU country. The Commission presented the proposal, which has also been called the ‘patients’ rights directive’ in July 2008. The directive is intended to clarify patients’ rights to compensation for health, medical and dental care in other EU countries, and to ensure that these are effective in all EU countries. The issue is very complex since it means striking a balance between national autonomy in the field of health and medical care, and patients’ rights to take advantage of free mobility in health and medical services within the EU. The Presidency tried to obtain a political agreement, but a blocking minority of EU countries were not able to accept parts of the compromise proposal presented by the Presidency. It remains to be seen how the incoming Presidency and the new Commission that takes up office in 2010 will continue work on this directive.

From healthcare abroad to working conditions

Meeting around three times a year, this Council addresses issues such as working conditions, increased equality, patients’ access to treatment in other EU countries, and strengthened consumer legislation. The items on the agenda determine which ministers meet. During the first month of the Swedish Presidency, this configuration meets for informal meetings in Jönköping, first with the health ministers, then with the ministers for employment and social security.

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