Widget from se2009.eu

Get the latest news from the Swedish EU Presidency and keep your website up-to-date with a widget from the Presidency. In the widget, your visitors can read the news headlines from the Presidency website, se2009.eu.

Denna webbplats fungerar numera som arkiv och uppdateras inte. Här fanns tidigare ett foto som är borttaget på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.

This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

A widget is a program, a graphic ‘window’, that can be placed on, or ‘embedded’ in, a website. Our widget has the Presidency’s visual identity and shows the latest headlines from the website. The headlines are clickable, and enable the visitor to read more about the different news items.

Follow the instructions below.

Enter the following code above </head>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.clearspring.com/launchpad/v2/standalone.js"></script>

Enter the code below (div container) into the code in the position where the widget is to be shown on the website:

<div id="insertNewsWidget_se2009_eu"></div>

Then link in the javascript below (insert it at the end of the body tag above </body>)

<script charset=”UTF-8” type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
$Launchpad.CreateMenu({wid: "4a9cf9288eaebc8d", menuWidth: 300, menuHeight: 200, actionElement: "csButton"});

The link to the script can be adjusted using the following parameters:

  • lang = language version (en_GB, sv_SE, fr_FR)
  • maxnbr = number of news items to be shown
  • width = width of the widget in pixels (225 – 684 px)