Wednesday 2 September

Agenda - Working Party on Company Law 18 September 200909:39

Click on the link to see the agenda.

Agenda - ACP Working Party (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) 4 September 200909:48

Agenda - Committee on Cultural Affairs 8 September 200909:56

Borg and Odell meet the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 09:53

Agenda - Working Party on Shipping 7 September 200910:10

Agenda - Budget Committee 8 September 200910:21

Webcast: Anders Borg, Sweden’s Minister for Finance, about the informal Ecofin ministers’ lunch on 2 September12:16

Biological diversity is increasingly being put at risk from the impact of climbing greenhouse gases14:15

Agenda - Police Cooperation Working Party 10 and 11 September 200914:11

Agenda - JAIEX/JHA-RELEX Ad Hoc Support Group 9 September 200914:25

Presentation to the Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) by Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask 14:00

Press invitation to informal meeting of agriculture and fisheries ministers in Växjö14:03

Statement by Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström on the Commission communication on a Joint Resettlement Programme14:46

EU-statement at the International Energy Conference in UN14:50

Presentation to the Committee on Legal Affairs (Juri) by Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask16:00

EU enlargement and vegetable hash on Live Food menu15:44

Summary of conference The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe16:11

Agenda - Working Party on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) 16 September 200918:12

Agenda - Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts 25 September 200918:26

Agenda - Working Party on Own Resources 14 September 200918:36

Agenda - Working Party on Transatlantic Relations (COTRA) 8 September 200918:41

Minister for International Development Cooperation, Gunilla Carlsson21:00

Establishing common EU positions ahead of the G20 meeting in London17:26

Speech by Minister for Education Jan Björklund to the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education, Brussels, 2 September 200918:44

Thursday 3 September

Photo: Jonas Nilsson/regeringskansliet

Situation on the milk market to be discussed at Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels09:07

The EU’s agriculture and fisheries ministers will meet in Brussels on 7 September. Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson will chair the meeting. Top of the agenda is the situation on the European milk market in the light of the Commission’s report on and analysis of the dairy market. The Agriculture Council meeting has been brought forward from 29 September specifically in response to the Commission’s report.

Andreas Carlgren hopes for exciting discussions in Strömstad10:34

Presentation to the Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) by Minister of Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström09:00

Seminar on civil-miltary cooperation09:54

Agenda - Mashrek/Maghreb Working Party (COMAG) 4 September 200910:35

Meeting on the financing of international operations10:25

Agenda - Working Party on International Criminal Court (ICC) 16 September 200910:49

Agenda - Working Party on Land Transport 8 September 200911:05

Carl Bildt and Gunilla Carlsson to meet the UN Special Envoy for Burma10:30

Agenda - Working Party on Structural Measures 9 September 200911:21

Agenda - Working Party on Social Questions 10 September 200911:37

Agenda - Working group of civil protection 15 and 16 September 200912:05

Webcast: Meeting of foreign ministers opens on Friday12:00

Agenda - Working Party on Establishment and Services 11 September 200912:34

Agenda - Working Party on Customs Union (Customs Legislation and Policy) 8 September 200914:09

Agenda - Working Party on Technical Harmonisation 15 and 16 September 200914:20

Agenda - Working Party on Atomic Questions 9 September 200914:34

Agenda - Working Party on Trade Questions (COMER) 9 September 200914:53

Agenda - Working Party of Foreign Relations Counsellors (RELEX) 7 September 200915:10

Fredrik Reinfeldt to receive European Parliament President15:47

Intensive days when the Presidency met the European Parliament16:20

Agenda - Working Party on Energy 7 September 200916:30

Agenda - Africa Working Party (COAFR) 7 September 200916:42

Press invitation to the G20 meeting in London 16:36

Agenda - Working Party on Plant Health 28 September 200917:16

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU on the verdict against the Sri Lankan journalist, Mr J.S. Tissainayagam17:05

Agenda - Working Party on Transport - Intermodal Questions and Networks 9 September 200917:30

Agenda - Working Party on the Environment 9, 10 and 11 September 200917:40

Agenda - Working Party on Forestry 11 September 200917:48

Return to Gymnich18:15

The future gender equality policy on the agenda at high-level meeting 19:00

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the report by the Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, Ambassador Arsim Zekolli14:45

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the Personal Representative of the CiO for Dayton Art. IV, Brigadier General Costanzo Periotto14:51

EU statement in the OSCE on Georgia15:14

EU statement in the OSCE on Media Freedom in Uzbekistan15:16

EU statement in the OSCE on Media Freedom in Kazakhstan15:22

Minister for Higher Education and Research, Tobias Krantz's speech to the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, 3 September 200915:47

EU statement in the OSCE on violence against journalists and human rights defenders in Russia15:44

Workshop groups14:22

Sunday 6 September
Monday 7 September

Photo: Sandra Baqirjazid/Regeringskansliet

Meet the Chair: smarter transport in the EU09:55

Anna Halvarsson works with transport issues at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels. This autumn she is chairing two working parties within the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council. Their focus is primarily on shaping the transport of the future.

Press invitation: Seminar: Transparency and Clear Legal Language in the EU08:50

Agenda - Working Party on Commodities (PROBA) 9 September 200911:39

Agenda - Working Party on External Fisheries Policy 10 and 11 September 200911:59

Agenda - Working Party on Internal Fisheries Policy 10 and 11 September 200912:09

Press information: Set times for live webcast from High-level meeting in Strömstad12:10

Agenda - Working Party on Aviation 10 September 200912:16

Agenda - Working Party on Schengen Evaluation 10 and 11 September 200912:26

Agenda - The Council Research Working Group 7 September 200912:37

Agenda - Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) 7 September 200912:47

”Stop dropping litter in the countryside”14:00

Agenda - Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts 18 September 200914:29

Agenda - ACP Working Party (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) 8 September 200914:37

Meet the Chair: Who is paying for the mission in Somalia?14:29

Agenda - Working Party on Legal Data Processing 14 September 200914:57

Agenda - Working Party on Frontiers/False documents 16 September 200915:09

"Use a canvas bag when you go shopping"16:00

Agenda - Coreper II 10 September 2009 (REV1)17:04

Agenda - Working Party on Non-Proliferation (CONOP) 30 September 200918:01

Important discussions on the future of biodiversity17:13

Press Release: Agriculture ministers discussed milk market situation19:52

Tuesday 8 September

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

Pavan Sukhdev wants to put a price on nature 10:30

Pavan Sukhdev, economist and study leader for TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) is now in Strömstad, Sweden as a key speaker at the high-level conference "Visions for Biodiversity beyond 2010 - People, Ecosystem Services and the Climate Crisis". Biodiversity is closely linked to the climate issue, which is also the message from the latest TEEB results Climate Issues Update. The meeting in Strömstad is therefore important in the preparations for the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December.

Pictures say more than a thousand words08:00

Press briefing with Carl Bildt and Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs09:04

Agenda - Audio-visual Working Party 15 September 200909:48

Agenda - The Scientific and Technical Research Committee of the EU 14 and 15 September 200910:24

Agenda - Committee on Civil Law Matters 11 September 200910:26

Agenda - Mashrek/Maghreb Working Party (COMAG) 7 September 200910:28

Agenda - Political and Security Committee (PSC) 8 September 200910:29

Agenda - Coreper I 9 September 200910:31

Agenda - Asia-Oceania Working Party (COASI) 9 September 200910:32

Agenda - Africa Working Party (COAFR) 9 September 200910:34

Agenda - Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth 10 September 200910:36

Agenda - Customs Cooperation Working Party 14 September 200910:36

Agenda - Working Party on Transport - Intermodal Questions and Networks 11 September 200910:37

Joint article on biodiversity by environment ministers in Sweden, Spain and Belgium12:10

European Capital of Culture 201412:55

Opening address by Beatrice Ask, at the seminar Transparency and Clear Legal Language in the EU, 8 September 200913:05

Ministers questioned in Brussels13:13

Bildt on climate trip around Europe13:05

Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 7 September concluded 13:49

Carl Bildt met Serbia’s foreign minister13:33

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU concerning the imminent executions of juveniles Behnoud Shojaee, Reza Padashi and Hossein Haghi in Iran14:19

Agenda - Horizontal Working Party on Drugs 17 September 200914:45

Agenda - Groupe de travail « Amérique latine » (COLAT) 10 September 200914:58

Agenda - Article 133 Committee (Deputy Members) 11 September 200915:28

Agenda - Article 133 Committee (Services) 11 September 200915:51

Agenda - Working Party on Codification of Legislation 18 September 200916:28

Agenda - Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions 18 September 200917:02

Umeå to be European Capital of Culture 2014 17:06

Agenda - Working Party on Public Health 16 September 200917:18

Bureaucratic EU language criticised17:35

Carl Bildt talks climate change in Paris20:46

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU on Israeli settlements 23:00

Thursday 10 September

Photo: Lucy Nicholson, REUTERS/Scanpix

Afghanistan important issue at foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels11:15

The General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) is meeting in Brussels on 14–15 September. Preparations ahead of the upcoming EU summit on 29–30 October, the situation in Afghanistan following the elections, the EU’s approach towards Iran and the EU’s relations with the Southern Caucasus are important issues on the agenda. Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström and Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt will chair the Council meetings.

Agenda - Working Party on Substantive Criminal Law 17 and 18 September 200909:45

Economic justice a crucial issue in international negotiations on biodiversity09:55

EU Troika visit to Zimbabwe 10:40

Agenda - Mashrek/Maghreb Working Party (COMAG) 10 September 200910:59

Agenda - Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) 9 September 200911:10

Agenda - Joint Working Party on Research/Atomic Questions 14 September 200911:15

Agenda - High-Level Group on Asylum and Migration 23 and 24 September 200911:26

Agenda - Working Party of Foreign Relations Counsellors (RELEX) 10 September 200911:33

Agenda - Working Party on Social Questions 14 September 200911:42

Agenda - Working Party on Shipping 15 September 200911:49

Agenda - Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information 15 September 200911:55

Safe products in the EU internal market12:17

Agenda - Working Party on Energy 15 September 200912:33

Fredrik Reinfeldt to receive Jean-Claude Juncker13:50

The EU prepares for G20 meeting14:13

Maud Olofsson takes EU ministers north14:05

Declaration by the Presidency behalf of the EU on the elections in Afghanistan14:22

Agenda - Working Party on Financial Services (Alternative Investment Fund Managers) 22 September 200914:23

Agenda - Working Party on EFTA 15 September 200914:42

Press release: EU Military Committee to meet in Karlskrona16:13

Agenda - Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth 18 September 200916:23

Agenda - Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society 15 September 200916:40

EU Military Committee to meet in Karlskrona16:23

Agenda - Committee on Civil Law Matters 16 September 200916:58

Agenda - Working Party on Transport - Intermodal Questions and Networks 14 September 200917:20

Agenda - Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Potsdam Group) 18 September 200917:39

Agenda - Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts 29 September 200917:58

Press invitation to EU conference on healthy and dignified ageing in the presence of HM Queen Silvia20:20

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer 09:01

EU statement in the OSCE on the case against Kazakh human rights defender Evgeniy Zhovtis09:06

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