
Speech by Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

at the Ministerial conference on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy, 18 September

Photographer: Maja Suslin / SCANPIX

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt is participating in the ministerial conference on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy

President Ilves,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Sweden and Stockholm’s beautiful City Hall!

About one year ago, here in Stockholm, I made my first statement on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region. That was the starting point for a consultation process with stakeholders in the region.

I am very proud of the result.

I am impressed by the way the Commission has engaged itself in the various challenges of our region. How they have come to understand this part of the European Union.

I know that the Commission recognizes the serious environmental state of the Baltic Sea and its vulnerability to excess nutrients, pollution and over-fishing. And I know that it recognizes the great potential for this region to grow – to make better use of its natural and human resources.

* * *

Ladies and gentlemen,

In times of economic difficulties and global challenges, in order to take on climate change – we need to be inspired by examples of political progress.

The European Union is a meeting point between societies which for political reasons were separated. To eradicate the barriers that still remain – between people and culture, between markets, in infrastructure and networks – we need to take active measures.

I believe increased and improved integration is the only way we can make the European Union work and meet global challenges.

As more Europeans are knocking on our door to join the European Union, our diversity will increase – and so will our wealth of ideas and ways to resolve our issues.

This will demand new ways to increase integration in the European Union. Not by the means of a straitjacket with “one-size-fits-all” – but by a variety of measures and political instruments that take into account different regional conditions and challenges.

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region is just that.

An innovative policy instrument to help the Member States in this region to make better use of financial resources and join forces to meet common challenges in the region.

But it is also a way for the European Union to come closer to the hearts and needs of the citizens: A platform where policymakers from EU institutions on one side and representatives of stakeholders and organisations in a region on the other, can agree on political goals. And where they can agree on ways to meet those goals.

These kinds of innovations are needed if we want to come to terms with the sense of distance between the citizens and the policy makers.

I have seen there is great interest from all Member States in learning from our experience. And I have noted that the Danube region has already progressed in its forming of the next Macro regional strategy for the European Union.

* * *

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are only in the beginning of a long-term task to implement a strategy for our region. It will require continuous commitment and efforts by all involved.

In order to make this work we must reach out and take on board all the willingness to contribute; By civil society, by regional organisations and by neighbouring countries. I can assure you we certainly do not lack will or resourcefulness in the Baltic Sea region.

As President of the European Council, I am looking forward to have the Strategy on the agenda for the October European Council.

Thank you.


18 September



Stockholm, Sweden


  • Roberta Alenius

    Press Secretary to Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

    +46 8 405 49 04

    +46 702 70 72 17


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