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Maud Olofsson on the new Energy Council

Three questions to Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson, who chairs the first EU-USA Energy Council on Wednesday.

Photo: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

Maud Olofsson and Stephen Chu

Why a new Council, what is its purpose?

“The EU and the USA have long had well functioning cooperation and dialogue on energy issues, since these are the key to solving climate change problems. Now we are further strengthening our cooperation. We have much to learn from one another. The council will work on energy policy, global energy security, new business opportunities and cooperation between the EU and the USA on technology and research.”

What are your expectations?

“I hope that we will achieve concrete results to promote innovation, renewable energy and to create new jobs. This is an enormous opportunity to convert to a sustainable energy system. Sweden’s existing cooperation with the USA within the energy field is unique; it is this cooperation which now forms the model for cooperation between the EU and the USA. There is a clear focus on business opportunities and concrete cooperation both on a political level and between companies on both sides of the Atlantic.”

Can the Energy Council make a difference on climate change?

“Yes, the adaptation of the energy system is the key to reducing our impact on the climate. What type of energy we use and produce is crucial for the climate. With this cooperation we can speed up the transition to an eco-efficient economy that is good for both employment and the environment.”


04 November




  • Johanna Martin

    Press Secretary to the Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson

    +46 8 405 10 00

  • Frank Nilsson

    Acting Press Secretary to Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

    + 46 70 690 24 33


Sofia Karlberg

Press Officer

+46 8 405 10 00

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