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To improve readability, offers bloggers to link their blog posts to relevant articles/meetings at A list of blog posts is compiled and displayed in connection with the article/meeting. We believe that by doing this we can attract more visitors and new, enthusiastic readers.

What is Twingly?

To improve readability, offers bloggers to link their blog posts to relevant articles and meetings at A list of blog posts is compiled and displayed in connection with the article or meeting.

If you are a blogger and want your post to feature in the search results you must ‘ping' our  technology supplier Twingly via the link on the right. 

Conditions for the link to be displayed at

  1. Netiquette must be observed (see below).
  2. The post must be relevant to the article, meeting or subject.
  3. The post must be in English or Swedish.

To enable this service, the editorial staff of must ensure that the conditions are observed before the post may be published. The editorial office is open weekdays 09.00-18.00 but has an on-call function 24/7. This means that if a post is published outside normal working hours there may be some time before it appears at Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Netiquette at

At it is not permitted to:

  • Encourage or incite crime or spread material written by others that encourages or incites crime.
  • Make or spread statements that discriminate or single out a person's race, skin colour, gender, religion, membership of an ethnic group or sexual orientation.
  • Spread pornographic images.
  • Make or spread statements that are offensive or defamatory.
  • Conduct or spread marketing for one's own commercial operations or those of others.
  • Wield threats or commit harassment. is not responsible for any information published in blogs. If you want to recommend a blog to us, if you have views on the search results or if you find a blog, or information in a blog, inappropriate, please contact the editorial staff.


18 November



Teo Zetterman

Web Editor

+46 8 405 10 00

Tobias Nilsson

Project Manager

+46 8 405 10 00

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