Practical Media Information

Accreditation centre

Your accreditation badge  will be prepared and available for collection at the accreditation centre located at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Press Centre.

Address: Fredsgatan 6

Opening hours:

Tuesday, 17 November: 13.00–20.00
Wednesday, 18 November: 7.00–16.00

Media centre

Grand Hôtel, Royal Entrance, Stallgatan 6 

Opening hours:

Tuesday, 17 November: 13.00–22.00
Wednesday, 18 November: 7.00–22.00

For questions about media logistics please contact Katarzyna Zebrowska, Media Attaché for the meeting, +46 76 788 43 51 or Svante Hådell, Head of Media Logistics, +46 70 361 15 21.

For questions concerning production and distribution of television and radio pool material please contact TV4, the Swedish Presidency’s host broadcaster for television and radio.

Photo pools

Since space at the meeting venue is limited, camera pooling will be necessary.

For questions concerning photo pools please contact Marie Hadd, +46 70 812 61 98, or Jan Janonius, +46 70 847 89 58. 

For information about the photo pool in connection with the arrival of the Russian delegation to Arlanda Airport on 17 November, please contact Jan Janonius. Accredited photographers who want to be included in the photo pool at Arlanda must apply by 12.00 on Tuesday, 17 November at the latest. Please state name, media company and date of birth. Notice that meeting time and place at Arlanda will be communicated later.