Seminars and conferences

European Competition Day

Ever since 2000, the country holding the Presidency has arranged a European Competition Day in order to explain the benefits of competition to European citizens. The theme of the conference during the Swedish Presidency will be ‘Welfare through efficient markets’ and the aim is to provide knowledge of what competition policy signifies in a broad sense to citizens, companies and organisations. Further, discussions will be held on how consumers and the national economy can benefit from competition between companies, how companies can be enabled to compete on equal terms, and how actions that restrict competition can be eliminated.

The conference targets a broad group of people and is intended for business representatives, trade and consumer organisations, lawyers, government agency officials and others. The conference will be jointly arranged by the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and the Swedish Competition Authority.

The European Competition Day will begin on Tuesday 6 October with a guided tour and dinner at the Vasa Museum for all participants. The actual conference will be held on Wednesday 7 October from 09.00–17.00 at Infra City Business Centre, Upplands Väsby. The conference will be conducted in English.




6 October–7 October



Approx.: 200



Ministry in charge

Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications



Invited officials only

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