Statements (CFSP)

Presidency Statement on Honduras

The Presidency of the European Union welcomes the agreement reached on 30 October between representatives of the President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, and of the de facto government of Honduras. This agreement will pave the way for the restoration of democracy and the constitutional order in Honduras including the holding of the Presidential elections scheduled for 29 November.

The EU has advocated a peaceful negotiated solution to the political crisis in Honduras in a continuously co-ordinated effort with the international community, in particular the Organisation of American States, the Rio Group and the President of Costa Rica Oscar Arias, and stands ready to lend its support to this process.

The Presidency reiterates the importance of democracy, the rule of law and the respect for human rights in Latin America and elsewhere.


30 October



  • Cecilia Julin

    Head of Communications, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    +46 8 405 57 25

    +46 708 67 39 94

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