Agency meetings

Explosive Ordnance Conference

The EU Action Plan on Enhancing the Security of Explosives was adopted by means of a political agreement in the Council on 18 April 2008. The Action Plan contains about fifty measures for prevention, detection and response to incidents involving explosive devices in the EU. The purpose of the conference is to make an inventory of how the work of implementing the Action Plan is progressing. Two explosives security experts per Member State will be invited to the conference, together with about 15 people from the EU institutions and 10-20 participants from the private sector (research). The National Laboratory of Forensic Science is organising the conference in collaboration with the National Police Board and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.


29 October–30 October



Approx.: 130

Ministry in charge

Ministry of Justice

Authority in charge

National Police Board


  • Sandra Vukotic

    EU Coordinator, National Police Board

    +46 (0)8 504 470 43

    +46 (0)70 200 68 88

  • Katarina Löfstedt

    EU Coordinator, National Police Board

    +46 (0)8 401 90 22

    +46 (0)76 145 88 10


Invited officials only

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