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A stronger EU in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan are high up on the EU agenda. On Tuesday, the EU foreign ministers will discuss an action plan that has been drawn up with the aim of strengthening the European Union’s joint action in the region. Anna-Karin Eneström, Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, tells us about EU efforts in both countries.

Photo: Katarina Tracz

Anna-Karin Eneström’s main task during the Swedish Presidency is to work towards a more coherent EU policy on Afghanistan and Pakistan. She believes that many of the challenges in these two countries are important not just for the countries themselves, but also for the entire world. There are several global threats in the region, such as terrorism, militant extremism and poverty. Therefore, events in Afghanistan and Pakistan affect the EU as well.
“The challenges in the region are so great that they require a more coherent approach. Furthermore, we must adopt a regional approach. A stable and democratic Pakistan benefits Afghanistan too,” says Ambassador Eneström.

Towards coordinated action
A united EU is in a better position to promote stable development in the region. But this also requires concerted action on the part of the international community. The role of the UN is very important. A lot of this has to do with strengthening the national government institutions and state-building measures, both centrally and at local level. With its action plan, the EU is laying down a joint agenda for dialogue with the governments in Kabul and Islamabad.
“We have prioritised a number of areas that we believe need to be strengthened – civil and political administration, a civil police force, the judicial system, protection of human rights and agricultural development. It has been important to look at all of the activities currently conducted by the EU and to identify where we need to put in more resources,” says Ambassador Eneström. The focus is to strengthen both Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s capacity to deal with the different challenges they face.

As Special Envoy with experience of the region, Anna-Karin Eneström points to the complexity of the region.
“It means that we have to show endurance, our commitment has to be long-term. The most important job during the coming period will be to transfer responsibility to the Afghan government as we in the international community gradually take on more of a supporting role. An important element is restoring people’s confidence in the government. The outcome of the current election process must reflect the will of the people.”
“We hope that the new government will quickly demonstrate its ability to act so that people throughout the country notice a difference,” she says.

The countries’ own responsibility
In the end, the future of Afghanistan and Pakistan is dependent on both countries steering the situation in the right direction themselves. Ambassador Eneström’s vision is one of states taking responsibility and being able to deal with challenges by themselves. The hope is that joint involvement on the part of the EU will encourage such a development. Ambassador Eneström believes that the EU has experience and capacity in a number of areas that could be useful to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“Here we have the opportunity to use our toolbox to achieve something positive,” she concludes.


23 October



Katarina Tracz

Intern, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

+46 8 405 2882

+46 70-7745700

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