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GAERC: Summit preparations and strengthened EU action in Afghanistan and Pakistan

The General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) is meeting on 26–27 October in Luxembourg. The ministers will make preparations for the upcoming EU Summit taking plance on 29–30 October and reach a decision on the EU's Baltic Sea Strategy. Points on the foreign policy agenda include an action plan for stronger EU actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the situation in Sri Lanka after the end of the war and the transition to a stronger EU presence in Bosnia. Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström and Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt will chair the Council meetings.

Photo: The Council of the European Union

Council prepares for EU Summit on 29–30 October
The General Affairs Council will prepare for the meeting of the European Council on 29–30 October. The European Council is expected to discuss the following issues:

  • Institutional issues, involving completing the required preparations ahead of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon
  • Climate change, primarily concerning the EU’s negotiating mandate ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on 7–18 December
  • Economic, financial and social issues
  • The EU Baltic Sea Strategy
  • Irregular immigration
  • External relations
Decision on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy expected
Ministers are expected to adopt conclusions on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. The objective of the Baltic Sea Strategy is to address the deterioration of the environment in the Baltic Sea. The strategy also aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the region by improving communications and making energy supply more efficient. The conclusions stress the importance of a regional strategy comprising several countries, bodies and sectors. It is emphasised that this integrated approach is a prerequisite to be able to achieve a sustainable region environmentally, economically and socially. The Baltic Sea Strategy, which is expected to be welcomed by the European Council on 29–30 October, is one of the Swedish Presidency’s priority issues.  

What is the EU position on Iran?
Iran will be on the agenda at the foreign ministers’ working dinner on Monday evening. The discussion, which is a follow-up of the discussions held by the ministers at the Council meeting on 27 October, is expected to focus on the EU's approach to Iran. The background to the discussion is the ongoing dialogue with Iran on the country’s nuclear programme and the talks in Geneva on 1 October between Iran and the five permanent members of the Security Council, together with Germany.
Aiming at a stronger EU presence in Bosnia
The ministers for foreign affairs are also expected to discuss the Western Balkans, with special focus on Bosnia. Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt will report from his meeting with Bosnian leaders on 20–21 October at EUFOR (The EU’s military forces) at Camp Butmir outside Sarajevo. The ministers are expected to discuss the transition from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to a stronger EU presence. In the Commission’s latest report on EU enlargement from 14 October, it is noted that the OHR must be abolished before Bosnia can submit an application for membership of the EU. The OHR is an international authority overseeing the civilian peace process in Bosnia.
Plan for stronger EU action in Afghanistan and Pakistan
The ministers will follow up on the situation in Afghanistan following the presidential elections on 20 August. They are expected to discuss issues such as how the EU and the UN can open a dialogue, and in the future maybe even reach an agreement, with the new government on priorities and reforms. The Council is also expected to adopt an action plan to strengthen EU action in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The ministers are expected to adopt conclusions reflecting these issues.

Middle East peace process to be discussed
The ministers will discuss the Middle East. The discussion is expected to involve the sensitive situation in the peace process and how the EU can continue to support American efforts to persuade the parties to resume peace negotiations. The EU’s High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana is expected to submit a report on his latest visit to the region. The ministers are further expected to discuss the worrying situation on the ground, especially in Jerusalem and Gaza, and what more the EU can do to improve the situation.

The situation in Sri Lanka after the end of 26 years of civil war
The Council is expected to discuss and adopt conclusions on Sri Lanka. Discussions will focus on the political and humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka following the end of the war. In May 2009, government forces finally defeated the Tamil guerrilla after 26 years of civil war. It is estimated that at least 70 000 people lost their lives in the war and more were forced to flee. The situation for the refugees from the former conflict area is still very serious. The ministers will probably also discuss the issue of the EU's continued involvement in Sri Lanka.

Council schedule
The General Affairs Council opens on Monday afternoon (15.00). The foreign affairs ministers’ working dinner will take place on Monday evening. The External Relations Council takes place on Tuesday between 9.00 and 13.00.


22 October



Luxemburg, Luxembourg


  • Love Berggren

    Press Assistant with Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström

    +46 8 405 14 85

    +46 76 128 46 77

  • Irena Busic

    Press Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt

    +46 8 405 54 73

    +46 70 271 02 55

  • Jörgen Gren

    Press Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union

    +32 2 289 56 55

    +32 475 24 56 60

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External Resources

  • European Commission - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
  • European Commission - External relations - Afghanistan
  • European Commission - External relations - Pakistan
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina on the web site of the European Commission
  • European Commission - External relations - Sri Lanka
  • Accreditation for the meeting on the Council web site