Seminars and conferences

European Development Days (EDD)

European Development Days (EDD) is an annual event jointly organised by the European Commission and the country holding the Presidency of the EU. Sweden will be hosting this year’s EDD on 22–24 October at the Stockholm International Fairs in Älvsjö. With several thousand delegates, it will be the largest meeting under the Swedish Presidency.

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The purpose of the EDD is to create a dialogue on aid and development and to address urgent issues as well as more long-term challenges. The meeting itself is an open forum gathering all levels and groups of development actors in addition to the general public.
The EDD is also about presenting the EU as a development actor. Together, EU Member States provide more than half of total world aid, which gives the EU a key role in the development area.

Meeting place for many different actors

Heads of State and Government and ministers from donor and partner countries are invited. Nobel laureates and other prominent figures from the world of academia, business and arts are an important group of delegates. The EDD also serve as a meeting place for civil servants in the development sector, NGOs, social movements, the private sector and, not least, the public at large. The ambition is to create a forum under the slogan: “Where Davos meets Porto Alegre”.

The fourth edition

The year’s event is the fourth in a row for the EDD. The previous editions were held in Brussels in 2006, Lisbon in 2007 and Strasbourg in 2008. This year’s theme is Citizenship and Development. Two of Sweden’s profile development issues will receive particular focus: democracy and climate change. The financial situation will be another theme.
The programme days include a number of high-level plenary sessions, round-table discussions with politicians, researchers, civil society representatives and the media. There will also be a ‘Development Village’ – an exhibition hosting countries, institutions, organisations and others who want to use this opportunity to present their ideas and projects to all EDD visitors. Seminars, performances and other activities within the fairgrounds will be organised by the European Commission, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida and other exhibitors. Offsite, development-related events and activities will be held all over Stockholm.



Pre-meeting news

Post-meeting news



22, 23, 24 October


Ministry in charge

Ministry for Foreign Affairs


  • Krister Kumlin

    Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    +46 8 405 50 87

  • Tove Skagerwall

    Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    +46 8 405 59 03

  • Amanda Olsson

    Project Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    +46 8 405 31 13

  • Agnes Stenström

    Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    +46 8 405 43 52

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External Resources

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Decision-making process

EU legislation

  • The Council of the EU Decides
  • The European Parliament Decides
  • Coreper (Commitee of Permanent Representatives) Prepare
  • The European Parliament's committees Prepare
  • Working groups Prepare
  • The European Commisson Propose legislation
  • Conferences and other meetings Give inputs

The Council of the European Union is the EU’s highest decision-making body. It consists of one minister from each Member State who has the authority to make binding decisions for his or her government. Which minister participates from each Member State depends on the type of issue being discussed. The minister from the country holding the Presidency chairs the meetings.

The European Parliament passes new laws together with the Council, based on proposals from the Commission. The Parliament’s influence varies depending on the issues discussed. Normally, decisions are made in ‘codecision’ between the Parliament and Council which means that the Council must accept the European Parliament's amendment proposals in order to pass new legislation.

Coreper – the Committee of Permanent Representatives – prepares for Council meetings. All issues must pass through Coreper before they can be included on the agenda for a Council meeting. Coreper meets in two configurations, Coreper II and Coreper I, dealing with different subject areas. Coreper II is made up of the Permanent Representatives (the ambassadors) from the Member States, who work at the Permanent Representations in Brussels. Coreper I is made up of the Deputy Permanent Representatives (the ambassadors’ deputies).

The European Parliament’s proposals are considered in one of the parliamentary committees. There are twenty permanent committees, divided into subject areas, for example foreign affairs or the budget. The European Parliament can also appoint temporary committees for up to twelve months, with the possibility of extension. One of the committee members writes the committee’s report on a particular issue. In this function, he or she is called the rapporteur and has great influence over the way in which the report is drawn up.

Council working groups and committees are responsible for preparing all issues before they are referred to Coreper and finally to ministerial level. The working groups and committees are made up of senior officials, either from the Member States’ Permanent Representations in Brussels or from ministries in their capital cities.

The European Commission proposes new laws for the European Parliament and the Council to consider. It consists of one member from each Member State and it makes collective decisions. That means that the Commissioners support all decisions made, even those outside their respective subject area. The decisions are normally made without a vote, but if a Commissioner demands a vote, this is carried out. In these cases, absolute majority is required for a proposal to be accepted.

The European Council is also referred to as the EU summits and consists of the heads of state or government of the Member States together with the President of the Commission. They meet once or twice every six months to draw up political guidelines for the EU’s development.

The EU Presidency usually organises a number of informal ministerial meetings in the country holding the Presidency. No formal decisions are made at these meetings. The meetings instead offer an opportunity for the ministers to discuss current EU issues freely. One purpose is to provide an informal setting in which to solve problems and pave the way for decisions on difficult issues on the Council's ordinary agenda.

The EU cooperation involves striking a balance between the views of a number of parties on various levels. To assess the progress made on a certain issue and to enable the parties to put forward new proposals, conferences and different types of meetings are often arranged. No binding decisions are made at these conferences , but they still serve an important function in that they prepare the way for the formal steps in the EU's decision-making process.

The EU maintains regular dialogue with a very large number of countries and groups of countries outside the EU. These meetings with countries outside the EU are also known as ‘third country meetings’. The Presidency plans, coordinates and chairs the meetings. During the Swedish Presidency, around 280 such meetings will take place, some in Sweden and some in Brussels, New York and other countries outside the EU.