TODAY 20 October

Photographer: The Council of the European Union

Agreement on new fisheries control system14:10

The ministers reached a decision on a new fisheries control system at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 19 October. The Council also negotiated on new fishing quotas in the Baltic Sea for 2010. Measures to address the serious situation on the milk market were also discussed.

EU position ahead of Copenhagen Climate Change Conference at Environment Council in Luxembourg 09:35

Press release: Decisions on a fisheries control reform and Baltic Sea quotas09:00

Speech by Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren to the European Parliament on 20 October 2009 09:20

Press invitation: High-level EU meeting on road transport safety and the environment in Göteborg09:30

The EU in our daily lives: lead in stuffed toys under the microscope11:17

Press invitation: Rural Areas Shaping the Future: EU conference at SLU, Uppsala, 28–29 October 200911:01

Welcome address by Beatrice Ask, Minister for Justice, at the conference Towards EU Global Action against Trafficking in Human Beings16:55

Record numbers expected at development conference17:10

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