Monday 12 October

Photographer: Britta Pedersen / SCANPIX

Prominent names to attend development assistance meeting14:12

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and financier George Soros. These are some of the participants who, together with Sweden’s Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for International Development Cooperation, are expected to attend the annual European Development Days, which this year is being held in Stockholm. The meeting, which will be the largest during the Swedish Presidency of the EU, was presented at a press briefing on Friday, 9 October.

EU health ministers on the new influenza 19:15

How can Europe be put on a strong footing for the future?
– that’s the issue for competitiveness ministers in Umeå

EU statement at the closing session of the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 200911:50

Andreas Carlgren to Hungary, the Vatican and Italy13:09

EU Statement by Swedish Minister for Education and Research, Mr Tobias Krantz, at the UNESCO General Conference 35th Session 8 October 2009 – General Policy Debate13:43

Conference on climate and security14:38

Maud Olofsson and Günter Verheugen to discuss future enterprise in Umeå14:55

Press invitation: Informal meeting of research ministers in Umeå15:02

EU statement in the UN on advancement on women20:26

Wednesday 14 October

Photographer: Virgina Mayo/AP

Carl Bildt to head EU troika visit to Moldova11:06

On 16 October Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt will head an EU troika visit to Moldova. The purpose of the visit is to meet representatives of the new Government of Moldova, including Prime Minister Vlad Filat and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Iurie Leanca.

EU ministers meet in 'city of birches'11:11

EU-Kyrgyzstan Human Rights Dialogue11:12

Reminder: Accreditation for the conference Labour Migration and its Development Potential in the Age of Mobility11:14

Commission presents Enlargement Package today11:59

Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask welcomes Commission proposal for a Community instrument on succession14:10

Single Market Award 2009 goes to Aurora de Freitas 14:20

Meet the winner of the 2009 Single Market Award: Aurora de Freitas15:00

Competitiveness in the European food industry – new trade opportunities in a globalised world15:45

"The EU must combat poverty and social exclusion"15:34

Ministerial meeting in Addis Ababa stresses urgency to meet climate change challenge16:12

How to strengthen the EU internal market20:02

EU statement in the UN on the Commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development21:25

EU statement in the OSCE in response to the presentation on ISAF11:51

Webcast: Intensive care in the air18:00

General Debate on children's right in the UN21:34

Thursday 15 October

Photographer: Gunnar Seijbold/Regeringskansliet

Europe heads for an eco-efficient future15:42

An eco-efficient economy was the theme for the second day of the informal ministerial meeting on competitiveness in Umeå. Sweden’s Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson chaired the discussions between her European colleagues and the industry representatives present.

Four questions to Carl Bildt on enlargement11:25

EU Statement at the UN Security Council on the Middle East, including the Palestinian question09:18

Fact sheet: Facing the Future - The Single Market for Services10:14

Fact sheet: Single Market Award10:25

Time for EU to acknowledge the advantages of migration (Article in the European Voice October 15)10:30

“We need a strong political commitment against social exclusion”11:52

Three questions for Maud Olofsson09:00

Webcast: Soon time for development debate13:38

Little progress at meeting on impact of aviation on climate15:34


The EU in our daily lives: Diabetes research in Umeå using EU funds16:30

Speech by Mr Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, at the conference Labour Migration and its Development Potential in the Age of Mobility13:00

Speech by Gunilla Carlsson, Minister for International Development Cooperation, at the conference Labour Migration and its Development Potential in the Age of Mobility 13:00

Meeting for the benefit of European animal keepers and consumers17:00

Ministers behind the wheel17:15

Webcast: A step towards a future without fossil fuels18:00

"The EU needs ambitious research policies"18:31

Presidency Statement on the situation in Zimbabwe following the detention of MDC-T-nominated minister Roy Bennett 19:17

Friday 16 October

Webcast: "An eco-efficient economy is an absolute priority"09:10

Andrew van der Lem, Head of EU Strategy at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in the UK, gives his view of the ministerial meeting in Umeå, the road to an eco-efficient economy and the importance of a climate agreement in Copenhagen in December.

Big issues at the ECOFIN Council09:19

Press conference ahead of MEF, environmental debate in European Parliament and Environment Council meeting10:32

High-level conference on Labour Market Inclusion 11:24

Press Release: EU agriculture ministers to discuss the situation in the milk market and sustainable fisheries 12:15

Long-term growth requires greater gender equality 13:10

"Europe must take the lead"13:28

Stockholm programme made public13:30

Fredrik Reinfeldt to meet Barack Obama15:34

"Gender equality promotes increased growth - action is needed now"15:40

Statement during the 12th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 15:51

EU statement in response to the report by the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, Mr. Goran Svilanović 16:34

EU statement on the NGO participation in the HDIM16:40

EU to negotiate a New Agreement with Moldova16:42

Environment, Climate Change and Security – Facing the Challenges16:46

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU on the situation in the Niger Delta16:56

Press briefing in view of the Environment Council 21 October16:30

Reform of the fisheries control system17:11

TAC and quotas17:23

EU united on competitiveness17:30

Joint conference on support for EU enlargement17:55

A European Research Area for the challenges of the future16:00

Webcast: "Potential for forestry research and enterprise in EU"15:00

Monday 19 October

Photographer: Gina Bayoumi/Regeringskansliet

Financing – a key issue for the Copenhagen climate agreement 09:44

EU finance and environment ministers will meet this week in their respective council formations to consider the financing issue in EU negotiation positions prior to the European Council summit on 29-30 October and the UN climate meeting in Copenhagen. The finance and environment ministers have a joint responsibility for this crucial issue.

Super week kicks off10:20

Carl Bildt chairs troika meeting with Russia10:46

Modern model for sustainable growth must be based on gender equality13:35

Press release: Discussion of the situation in the milk market and decisions on new measures13:58

Andreas Carlgren takes part in European Parliament climate debate14:00

Avoiding hazardous substances in the everyday environment affects everyone14:21

A green economic transition is needed to resolve the economic crisis and combat climate change 14:47

New meeting with party leaders in Bosnia14:47

Concerted efforts against trafficking in human beings14:59

Upcoming Summit the focus as EU and Russia met in Brussels15:48

Presidency Statement on the election process in Afghanistan16:04

Presidency Statement on Niger16:04

Report: Gender equality, economic growth and employment16:29

Labour migration and circular migration discussed at meeting in Malmö16:40

The cost of taking care of the waste is part of the price when buying a computer20:09

TODAY 20 October

Photographer: The Council of the European Union

Agreement on new fisheries control system14:10

The ministers reached a decision on a new fisheries control system at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 19 October. The Council also negotiated on new fishing quotas in the Baltic Sea for 2010. Measures to address the serious situation on the milk market were also discussed.

EU position ahead of Copenhagen Climate Change Conference at Environment Council in Luxembourg 09:35

Press release: Decisions on a fisheries control reform and Baltic Sea quotas09:00

Speech by Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren to the European Parliament on 20 October 2009 09:20

Press invitation: High-level EU meeting on road transport safety and the environment in Göteborg09:30

The EU in our daily lives: lead in stuffed toys under the microscope11:17

Press invitation: Rural Areas Shaping the Future: EU conference at SLU, Uppsala, 28–29 October 200911:01

Welcome address by Beatrice Ask, Minister for Justice, at the conference Towards EU Global Action against Trafficking in Human Beings16:55

Record numbers expected at development conference17:10

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