Here you can find contact information for administrative officers in the Justice and home affairs, Legal affairs, Internal market department at Sweden's Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels.

  • Justice and home affairs, Legal affairs, Internal market

    • Hans G Nilsson


      Stockholm Programme, coordination of CATS and SCIFA, JHA, Competitiveness Council, GAERC

    • Michael Carlin


      Chair of JAIEX/JHA-RELEX Ad Hoc Support Group.

    • Malin Ljung Eiborn

      First Secretary

      Competitiveness Council, Deputy Chair working party competitiveness and growth, Horizontal internal market issues, Technical harmonization

    • Leila El Fahimi

      Legal Counsellor

      Migration, Visa, VIS (Visa Information System), Integration, Main contacts European Parliament

    • Andia Ghafouri


      to Åsa Webber, Linalotta Petrelius Ndisi, Staffan Ocusto, Johan Linderoth. Ann Marie Bolin Pennegård

    • Nils Hänninger


      Co-ordination of terrorism matters, Police co-operation including terrorism, Europol/Organized criminality, Information exchange, MDG (Millennium Development Goals, internal matters), Data protection

    • Jonas Högström


      Civil law issues, Transparency, access to documents, Data protection, first pillar, E-justice

    • Klara Jaeken


      to Nils Hänninger, Hans G Nilsson, Jonas Högström, Annika Öberg, Co-ordination of the JHA-council

    • Mirja Högström


      Intellectual property law, Company law

    • Jesper Kansbod

      First Secretary

      Chair of the Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth. Internal market, competition policy, general EU law, comitology

    • Linnéa Lundin


      Co-ordination of Competitiveness Council. Assistant to Jesper Kansbod, Mirja Künstlicher Högström, Malin Ljung Eiborn, Anders Dölling.

    • Lars Johan Lönnback


      Asylum/Refugees, 3rd country co-operation on asylum and migration, CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration )

    • Linalotta Petrelius Ndisi


      Substantive Criminal Law, Justice Forum, DROIPEN (Working Group on Substantive Criminal Law), MDG (Multidisciplinary Group on Organised Crime, judicial cooperation)

    • Lotta Rönström


      to Lars-Johan Lönnback, Leila El Fahimi, Michael Carlin

    • Annika Öberg


      Schengen incl. Sirenen and SIS II (Schengen Information System), Boarder control issues, False documents

    • Åsa Webber


      Judicial cooperation in criminal matters, procedural rights (Treaty issues). Contact person for Ad hoc Working Party on Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

Hans G Nilsson


Stockholm Programme, coordination of CATS and SCIFA, JHA, Competitiveness Council, GAERC

Phone: +32 2 289 56 11

Mobile: +32 478 289 065

Send email to Hans G Nilsson

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    Please be aware that emails to contact persons are considered to be public documents and will therefore be entered into the relevant ministry's register. Anyone who wishes to view received emails can contact the relevant ministry's Senior Registry Clerk. Please note that contact persons reply to emails as time permits. During periods of high workload, there may be a delay before replies are sent. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.