Here you can find contact information for administrative officers in the Foreign and Security Policy department at Sweden's Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels.

  • Foreign and Security Policy Department

    • Olof Skoog


      Head of Department, Representative for Sweden to the Political and Security Committee

    • Anna Alskog


      to Stefan Engdahl, Christer Nordh, Lars-Ove Roos, Johan Lindevall, Christian Madsen

    • Mikael Anzén


      Chair of Working Party for Trade Questions (trade defence instruments) and EFTA; Antidumping Committee; contact person for 133 Services and for 133 STIS (Steel, Textiles and Other Industrial Sectors).

    • Sven-Åke Asklander


      Representative to Headline Task Force (HTF)

    • Ann Marie Bolin Pennegård


      Representative to CIVCOM (Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management)

    • Josefin Simonsson Brodén


      COTRA (Transatlantic Relations Working Party)

    • Inger Buxton


      Security and development, Political Military Group (PMG)

    • Anna Craenen


      Western Balkans, including IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession)

    • Johan Edqvist

      Desk Officer

      Deputy COTRA/AMLAT (Transatlantic Relations and Latin America)

    • Johan Ekerhult

      Second Secretary

      Deputy to the Chair of 133 Deputies and deputy to the National Delegate in 133 Full Members (horizontal oversight of EU's common commercial policy)

    • Annika Elmgart

      Defence Counsellor

      Defence Affairs, Political Military Group (PMG)

    • Stefan Engdahl


      Military representative to the EU Military Committé and to the EAPMC (NATO), Military Adviser

    • Martin Fredriksson

      Second Secretary

      Deputy COEST (Council working group on Eastern Europe and Central Asia)

    • Johanna Gesteby-Tsokas

      Second Secretary

      Deputy CODEV (Development working group)

    • Michael Ginér

      Defence Counsellor

      Deputy HTF (Headline Goal Task Force)

    • Hans Grundberg

      First Secretary

      Middle East/Gulf, Union for the Mediterranean, COMEM

    • Peter Gustafsson

      Wing Commander

      Deputy HTF (Headline Goal Task Force)

    • Mathias Grönlund


      Chair of the Working Party on Customs Union. Customs-related issues (1 pillar), Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), Rules of Origin, WCO (World Customs Organization)

    • Martin Hagström


      Eastern Europe - Central Asia, ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument), Eastern Partnership

    • Mona Hanafi


      to Anna Jardfelt-Melvin, Hans Grundberg, Fredrick Lee-Ohlsson, Therese Hydén, Gabriella Save, Josefin Simonsson Brodén, Johan Edqvist

    • Carl Hartzell


      Deputy Representative to PSC (The Political and Security Committee), European Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union, Weapons and Mass Destruction

    • Jonatan Henriksson

      Desk Officer

      COASI (Asia-Oceania Working Party)

    • Amelie Henry

      Third Secretary

      Recruitment to EU-institutions, National Experts.

    • Fredrike Tamas Hermelin



    • Therese Hydén


      Chair of the Working Party of Foreign Relations Councellors. Representative to RELEX (Working Group on EU External Relations), Horizontal CFSP issues (Common Foreign and Security Policy)

    • Anna Karphammar

      Defence Counsellor

      Defence Affairs, Political Military Group (PMG)

    • Fredrick Lee-Ohlsson

      Desk Officer

      Mashrek Maghreb, Middle East/Gulf

    • Johan Lindevall

      Wing Commander

      Military Adviser, EU Military Committee, EU Military Committe Working Group, ATHENA Special Committe, Politico-Military Working Group.

    • Johan Lindroth

      Desk Officer

      Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM)

    • Paulina Lundqvist


      to Annika Elmgart, Inger Buxton, Anna Karphammar, Kristina Sundholm, Karin Måwe

    • Petra Lärke


      Chair of the Working Party on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania.

      Working Party on Enlargement and countries negotiating accession to the EU.
      Ad hoc Working Party on the follow-up to the Council conclusions on Cyprus of 26 April 2004.
      Ad hoc Working Party on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania

    • Daniel U Johansson

      Defence Counsellor

      European Defence Agency (EDA), capability development, armaments, defence R & T, defence industry and EU Satellite Centre

    • Karin Måwe

      Defence Counsellor, Ministry of Defence

      Deputy PROCIV

    • Johan Ndisi


      Sub-saharan Africa, COAFR

    • Lina Nordborg

      Desk Officer

      Deputy Nicolaidis

    • Christer Nordh


      Deputy Military Representative to the EU Military, Committee, Military Committee Working Group (EUMCWG), Operations, Recruitment, Military Adviser

    • Kerstin Nordström


      to Anna Craenen, Ingrid Svensson, Martin Hagström, Martin Fredriksson, Charlotta Ozaki-Macias, Jonatan Henriksson, Fredrike Tamas Hermelin, Johan Edqvist

    • Staffan Ocusto


      Chair of Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM)

    • Marita Olson


      Chair of the Working Party on Development Cooperation. International development cooperation.

    • Charlotta Ozaki Macias



    • Anna Persson


      to Johan Ndisi, Marita Olson, Ola Sohlström, Johanna Gesteby-Tsokas, Jakob Rindegren, Sandra Thorsson

    • Joakim Reiter


      Chair of 133 Committee deputies and Deputy Chair of 133 Committee full members (horizontal oversight of EU's common commercial policy); overall coordination of trade matters. Contact person for 133 MRA.

    • Jakob Rindegren

      Desk Officer

      Deputy ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific Working Party). Euromed

    • Louise Ritondo

      Administrative Officer

      Assistant to Ambassador Olof Skoog, Carl Hartzell, Lina Nordborg, Maria Weimer

    • Lars-Ove Roos


      EUMC Co-ordinator, Military Capabilities, Military Committee Working Group (EUMCWG), Military Adviser

    • Torbjörn Sahlén


      Military Committee Working, Group/Headline Task Force (EUMCWG/HTF), Military Capabilities

    • Maria Sargren


      Lisbon Treaty, Lisbon strategy

    • Gabriella Save

      Second Secretary

      Deputy RELEX (Working Group on EU External Relations)

    • Ola Sohlström

      Second Secretary

      Chair of the ACP Working Party (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific). European Fund of Development

    • Anna Strempel

      Special Adviser

      Non-proliferation of WMD, disarmament, counter-terrorism

    • Kristina Sundholm

      Defence Counsellor, Ministry of Defence

      Chair of Working party on Civil Protection. Civil protection issues

    • Ingrid Svensson

      Desk Officer

      Deputy COWEB, Western Balkans

    • Maria Talja


      to Mikael Anzén, Joakim Reiter, Johan Ekerhult, Petra Lärke, Samuel Ulfgård, Mathias Grönlund.

    • Sandra Thorsson

      Second Secretary

      Deputy COAFR

    • Samuel Ulfgard

      Second Secretary


    • Maria Weimer

      Second Secretary

      Chair of the Nicolaidis Group. Co-ordination PSC, Nicolaidis

Inger Buxton


Security and development, Political Military Group (PMG)

Phone: +32 2 289 56 77

Mobile: +32 477 51 50 02

Send email to Inger Buxton

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