Here you can find all contacts in the field of General Affairs and External Relations in alphabetical order.

  • All contacts

    • Liselott Andersson

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Magnus Andersson

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Maria Arenbjörk

      Administrative Officer

    • Heléne Averland

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Andreas Bengtsson

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Anki Berglin

      Desk Officer

      Background information

    • Sophia Busk

    • Johan Carlberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Mattias Chu

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs


    • Adrienne Coyet

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Defence

      Coordinator of MoD meetings

    • Wiktoria Dagerås Wittboldt

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Katarina Engberg

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Defence

      Environment and security

    • Torsten Ericsson

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Anna Falk


      Chairman of the Working Party on the Court of Justice

    • Kristin Forsgren Bengtsson

      Desk Officer

    • Hans Grundberg

      First Secretary

      Middle East/Gulf, Union for the Mediterranean, COMEM

    • Mathias Grönlund


      Chair of the Working Party on Customs Union. Customs-related issues (1 pillar), Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), Rules of Origin, WCO (World Customs Organization)

    • Johanna Gårdmark

      Director, Ministry of Defence

      Deputy Head of Departement for International and Security Affairs
      Operations, ESDP issues

    • Martin Hagström


      Eastern Europe - Central Asia, ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument), Eastern Partnership

    • Anna Hallam

      Desk Officer

    • Johan Hallenborg

      Special Adviser

    • Elinor Hammarskjöld


      Chair of Working Party on Human Rights (COHOM). Head of Department for International Law, Human Rights and Treaty Law

    • Jessica Hedin

      Deputy Director

      Practical information

    • Maria Hellberg

      Director, Ministry of Justice

      Chair of Working Party on Information

    • Åsa Hindenborg

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Development cooperation

    • Jemina Holmberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Kristina Holmgren

      Senior Adviser

    • Therese Hydén


      Chair of the Working Party of Foreign Relations Councellors. Representative to RELEX (Working Group on EU External Relations), Horizontal CFSP issues (Common Foreign and Security Policy)

    • Lena Jern

      Deputy director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Press Logistics

    • Claes Jernaeus

      Head of MFA Press Centre

    • Barbro Johansson

      Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Anders Jörle

      Director Press Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    • Jesper Kansbod

      First Secretary

      Chair of the Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth. Internal market, competition policy, general EU law, comitology

    • Erik Kiesow

      Deputy Director

      Responsible for the coordination of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy, Prime Minister's Office, Secretariat for European Affairs

    • Lennart Killander-Larsson

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Background information

    • Catharina Kipp

      Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Margareta Kristianson

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Moa Lagercrantz

      Second Secretary

      Deputy Mertens

    • Bertil Legnestedt

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance

    • Ulf Lindell

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Kristina Lindqvist

      Administrative Officer

      Practical information

    • Cecilia Looström

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Defence

      Deputy Head of Deptartement for Military Affairs
      European Defence Agency, Armaments Cooporation

    • Madeleine Lyrvall

      Deputy Director

      Background information

    • Charlotta Meyer-Seitz

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Peter Mild

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Defence

      Deputy Head of Department for Financial Planning, Personnel and Coordination
      Athena, SATCEN, Defence Budget

    • Charlotte Muñoz Sammelin


      Co-ordination Coreper II (Antici), European Council, General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC)

    • Johan Murray

      EU Coordinator, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Katrin Månsson

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Malena Mård

      Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Staffan Ocusto


      Chair of Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM)

    • Joakim Reiter


      Chair of 133 Committee deputies and Deputy Chair of 133 Committee full members (horizontal oversight of EU's common commercial policy); overall coordination of trade matters. Contact person for 133 MRA.

    • Håkan Rooth

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Maria Sawano

      Administrative Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Caroline Silfverstolpe

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Josefin Simonsson Brodén


      COTRA (Transatlantic Relations Working Party)

    • Olof Skoog


      Head of Department, Representative for Sweden to the Political and Security Committee

    • Anna Strempel

      Special Adviser

      Non-proliferation of WMD, disarmament, counter-terrorism

    • Mikael Ståhl

      Desk Officer

    • Daniel Svensson


      Co-ordination Coreper I (Mertens)

    • Fredrike Tamas Hermelin



    • Per Tervahauta


      Chair of Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth. Industrial issues, better legislation

    • Sandra Thorsson

      Second Secretary

      Deputy COAFR

    • Lena Tranberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Wilhelm von Warnstedt

      Minister, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Maria Weimer

      Second Secretary

      Chair of the Nicolaidis Group. Co-ordination PSC, Nicolaidis

    • Jonas Wendel

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Assistant European Correspondent, GAERC coordinator

    • Mårten Wierup

      Second Secretary

      Deputy Antici

    • Eva Åkerman Börje

      Director, Ministry of Justice

      Chair of High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration

    • Inger Åseborn

      Technical Expert

    • Mikael Östlund

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Defence Sten Tolgfors

      Ministry of Defence

Erik Kiesow

Deputy Director

Responsible for the coordination of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy, Prime Minister's Office, Secretariat for European Affairs

Phone: +46 (0)8 405 36 71

Mobile: +46 (0)70 314 35 79

Send email to Erik Kiesow

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