Here you can find all contacts in the field of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs in alphabetical order.

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    • Elisabet Aldenberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      8th Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion, misuse and dependency care, homelessness, national action plan on social inclusion

    • Thomas Allvin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Issues relating to the directive on rights of patients to health, medical and dental care in another EU country

    • Patrik Andersson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference on labour market inclusion, MISSOC meeting, issues on ill-health, labour market inclusion, demography, ageing population

    • Yoav Bartal

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality

      Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

    • Karin Bengtson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert on gender equality, meeting coordinator for Conference on strategies to combat men’s violence against women.

    • Anna Bergsten

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Employment

      Work Environment and Labour Legislation

    • Nina Björesten

      Project coordinator, Swedish Social Insurance Agency

      The conference Modernised EU Social Security Coordination - Preparation for the Application of the New Regulations on the Coordination of Social Security

    • Hanna Björknäs

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Meeting coordinator for the conference of Director-Generals for Industrial Relations

    • Barbro Carlqvist

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Employment

      Expert on labour market inclusion. Meeting coordinator for the High Level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion and the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Security.

    • Lina Eriksson

      Health Planning Officer, Swedish National Institute of Public Health

      The conference Mental Health in Youth

    • Lotta Eriksson

      Project Manager/Council Secretary, Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics

      14th Forum of National Ethics Councils

    • Lina Feltwall

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Employment

      Practical information on the Informal EPSCO Council Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Security. Presidency issues about the labour market.

    • Daniel Forslund

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Information supply and ICT in health and social care, eHealth

    • Christina Gynnå Oguz

      Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Chair of Horizontal Working Party on Drugs, Drug Coordinators' Meeting, drug policy issues

    • Thomas Göransson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Practical information on the informal meeting of the Employment Committee (EMCO)

    • Cecilia Halle

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference: Innovative Incentives for Effective Antibacterials

    • Christina Hammarstedt

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert Self-employed activities directive

    • Anna Hedin

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Health issues on informal EPSCO council meeting

    • Karin Hjelmer

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Expert Conference on Alcohol and Health

    • Göran Holmström

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Public health policy, policy for the elderly, social services policy

    • Niclas Jacobson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference on Healthy and Dignified Ageing, elderly issues

    • Anita Janelm

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference 'Influenza preparedness and response - lessons learned and next steps', conference 'Innovative Incentives for Effective Antibacterials', issues on communicable diseases

    • Eleonor Johansson

      Press Assistant, Ministry of Employment

    • Karolin A Johansson

      Press Secretary to Minister for Employment Sven Otto Littorin

      Ministry of Employment

    • Martin Kits

      Press Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Health and Social Affairs Göran Hägglund

    • Petra Kjellarson

      Press Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Health and Social Affairs Göran Hägglund

    • Henrik Kjellberg

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Public health policy, policy for the elderly, social services policy

    • Fredrik Lennartsson

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Overall information on health issues and social issues

    • Johan Lindberg

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Chair of the Working Party on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, issues relating to medicinal products

    • Gustaf Lindgren

      Counsellor for employment

      Chairperson of the Working Party on Social Questions, ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council ), Employment and labour market policy, Health and Safety at work, Social Dialogue

    • Ulrik Lindgren

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Public health policy, social services policy, disability policy

    • Alexandra Lindmark

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Employment

      Labour Market Policy

    • Mattias Lundbäck

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Issues on ohälsa and labour market inclusion

    • Jessica Löfvenholm

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Financial family policy

    • Lena Malmberg

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Social insurance issues

    • Anna Malmström

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Meeting coordinator for the High Level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion

    • Annika Mansnérus

      Counsellor for social affairs

      Chairperson of the Working Party on Social Questions, social affairs, social protection, equality between men and women (violence against women, follow-up of the Beijing conference), narcotics

    • Maria Melin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Practical information on the conference of Director-Generals for Industrial Relations and the High-level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion.

    • Fredrik Moen

      Counsellor for Health

      Chair of the Working Party on Public Health, pharmaceuticals/medical devices, public health (alcohol etc.)

    • Anne Nilsson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference: Assessing Drug Effectiveness - Common Opportunities and Challenges for Europe

    • Maria Nilsson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference: Innovative Incentives for Effective Antibacterials

    • Tobias D Nilsson

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Health and medical care policy

    • Tanja Olsson Blandy

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Meeting coordinator for 'What does gender equality mean for economic growth and employment?' and meeting of the High Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming.

    • Stefan Oscarson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Issues on pensions

    • Kasper Paulig

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      General information on social issues, labour market inclusion and social insurance

    • Joakim Pettersson

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Financial family policy, policy for the rights of the child, reregulation of the pharmacy market, medical ethics

    • Amanda Rafter

      Press Assistant. Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Accreditation of media, Expert Conference on Alcohol and Health

    • Kristina Reinholdsson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Financial family policy, policy for the rights of the child

    • Maria Renström

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Expert Meeting on Alcohol and Health, alcohol issues in the EU and the WHO, alcohol issues

    • Therese Räftegård

      Health Planning Officer, Swedish National Institute of Public Health

      The conference Healthy ageing in Europe - Lessons learnt and ways forward

    • Anna Schölin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert Anti-discrimination directive

    • Michael Sjöström

      Prof, Karolinska Institutet

      The meeting Assessment of Population Levels of Physical Activity - Consensus Decision Making regarding the Recommendations to the EU Commission

    • Mihail Stoican

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      High-level meeting of Permanent Group 'L'Europe de l'enfance', children's rights issues.

    • Eva Stolpe

      Chief Nursing Officer, National Board of Health and Welfare

      Meetings with representatives for medical, dental and nursing issues

    • Ulrica Sundholm

      Political Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Issues on psychiatry, cancer, rare diseases and care on equal terms

    • Niclas Thorselius

      Press Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health Maria Larsson

    • Astrid Utterström

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Meeting coordinator for Equality Summit

    • Sophie Werkö

      Project Manager, Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care

      The conference How to assess health technologies with high quality, transparency and comparability?

    • Leif Westerlind

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Social insurance issues, rehabilitation issues

    • Birgitta Åseskog

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert on gender equality and growth (Lisbon post 2010) and Council follow-up of UN action plan for gender equality.

    • Mychèle Östman

      Press Secretary. Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Social Security Cristina Husmark Pehrsson

    • Notifiy interest in participating in the committee for the pilot project.

      Health Care Division, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Committee to decide which networks to include in the pilot project to follow up the effects of medicinal products in everyday clinical practice. The pilot project is a result of the Conference Assessing Drug Effectiveness - Common Opportunities and Challenges for Europe, held by the Presidency on 29 July.

    • Anna Halén

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      A seminar on how the EU can contribute to peoples health globally. The meeting titled "The European Union as a Global Health Actor", is a joint arrangement by Karolinska Institutet, the Global Health Europe network and the Swedish EU presidency.

Anna Norlin

Information Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

Phone: +46 8 405 12 37

Mobile: +46 70 350 74 72

Send email to Anna Norlin

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