Here you can find all contacts in the field of education, youth and culture in alphabetical order.

  • All contacts

    • Filippa Arvas Olsson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Culture

      Contact person for media issues and the Audiovisual Working Party.

    • Susan Berg

      Information Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Information officer reponsible for the Conference on Gender Differences in Educational Achievement. Informal meeting with the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) and Research Working Group (RWG). Informal Meeting of Competitiveness Ministers. Meeting of the European Network on Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP). Meeting of Directors-General for Schools.

    • Katja Björklund

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Culture

      Contact person for Cultural Affairs Committee.

    • Mats Björnsson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for Standing Group on Indicators and Benchmarks

    • Cecilia Borssén

      Information Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Reponsible information officer for the meeting of Directors-General for Vocational Training, and conference ‘The role of vocational education and training (VET) in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow’.

    • Eva-Marie Byberg

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Higher Education and Research Tobias Krantz

      Ministry of Education and Research

    • Maria Caryll

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Contact person for schools issues

    • Kristina Cunningham

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for conference on Gender Differences in Educational Achievement

    • Hans Enflo

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Culture

      Contact person for cultural issues.

    • Dan Fagerlund

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for conference on ‘The role of VET in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow’.

    • Marianne Feldt

      Special Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Contact person for upper secondary education issues. Responsible for meeting of Directors-General for Vocational Education and Training

    • Nina Gergi

      Information Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Information officer reponsible for the Closing Conference of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, EYCI.

    • Maria Gotemark Ingestedt

      Information Officer, Ministry of Culture

      Information officer for the culture and media conference Promoting a creative generation. Information officer for meeting of sports directors.

    • Anna Gudmundsson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for the Informal Meeting of Education Ministers

    • Karin Henriksson

      Education and Research Counsellor

      Chair of the Education Committee, Education policies, Research and development policies, Recognition of professional qualifications, Youth.

    • Gunilla Jacobsson

      Project Manager, The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education

      Responsible for conference on The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe

    • Emma Jansson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Culture

      Attaché, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport

    • Cecilia Jehler

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Culture Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth

      Ministry of Culture

    • Peter Johansson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for meeting of the Education Committee

    • Tomas Johansson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Culture

      Contact person for sports issues. Responsible for meeting of sports directors.

    • Per Klingbjer

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Education and Reseach

      Responsible for meeting of the European Network on Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP)

    • Gunilla Larsson

      Expert, The Swedish National Agency for Education

      Responsible for conference on Gender Differences in Educational Achievement

    • Sophia Laurin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Culture

      Responsible for the culture and media conference Promoting a creative generation

    • Carina Lindén

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Education and Research

      Contact person for student financial support and adult education issues

    • Tomas Lindman

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Culture

      Head of Division for International Coordination

    • Mikael Lundgren

      Information Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Information officer responsible for the The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe. Meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group. Meeting of Directors-General for Higher Education.

    • Johan Lycke

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert Youth Policy

    • Göran Melin

      Special Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for conference on The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe

    • Petra Mårselius

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Chair of Council Working Party on Youth

    • Anna Neuman

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Education Jan Björklund

      Ministry of Education and Research

    • Helene Nilsson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Culture

      Contact person for cultural heritage issues.

    • Åsa Petri

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Contact person for higher education issues. Responsible for meeting of Directors-General for Higher Education

    • Henrik Selin

      Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, Audiovisual and Sports

      Chair of the Cultural Affairs Committee and the Audiovisual Working Party. Culture, Massmedia and Sports

    • Myrna Smitt

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for the meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group

    • Margareta Stridh

      Information Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible information officer for the conference New Worlds – New Solutions – Research and Innovation as a Basis for Developing Europe in a Global Context. Informal Meeting of Education Ministers. Meeting of the Education Committee.

Sophia Laurin

Desk Officer, Ministry of Culture

Responsible for the culture and media conference Promoting a creative generation

Phone: +46 8 405 41 40

Send email to Sophia Laurin
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