Contact – Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry and Research)

In the section below, you can search for the right contact person within the area of Competitiveness. You can get in touch with people for statements, background information on a factual issue or information on those meetings that relate to the area. Click on the heading "Show all" to show all contacts in the subject area in alphabetical order.

  • Statements

    Are you looking for a statement on the Swedish Presidency’s position within the area of Competitiveness?

    • Frank Nilsson

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson

      Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications. Contact person for energy.

    • Johanna Martin

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson

      Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications. Contact person for energy.

    • Eva-Marie Byberg

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Higher Education and Research Tobias Krantz

      Ministry of Education and Research

    • Monica Ohlsson

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Trade Ewa Björling

      Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Yoav Bartal

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality

      Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

  • Background information

    Are you looking for factual information on a specific topic within the area of Competitiveness?

    • Rebecca Heinemann

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert on consumer rights, Regulation on Consumer Protection Cooperation and cooperation agreements with the USA.

    • Sophie Nordström

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Chair of Council Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information

    • Olof Sandberg

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research

      Contact person for research issues. Responsible for informal meeting of the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) and the Council Research Working Group (RWG)

    • Jesper Svarén

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert product safety, chair of Council Working Party on Textile Names and Labelling.

    • Ewa Wennberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Internal Market

    • Henrik Gorbow

      Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Internal Market

    • Jonas Ponten

      Senior Legal Adviser

      Chair of Working Party on Intellectual Property (WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property and WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, EU coordination)

  • Meeting information

    Are you looking for practical information about one of the events being arranged by the Presidency in the area of Competitiveness?

    • Marita Axelsson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Meeting coordinator for Consumer Rights Conference.

    • Karin Anderberg

      Media Attaché

      Photo Coordinator

    • Ann Lindh

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Ewa Wennberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

      Internal Market

    • Johan Stålhammar

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications

      Eco-efficient economy

    • Beata Matusiak

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications

      Meeting coordinator and official responsible for the Informal Meeting of Competitiveness Ministers.

    • Soledad Aguilar-Oddershede

      Head of section, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications

      Responsible for coordination and content of the conference 'From the European Charter for Small Enterprises to the Small Business Act'.

    • Mattias Jennerholm

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Education and Research

      Responsible for conference on research and innovation in Europe: New Worlds – New Solutions – Research and Innovation as a Basis for Developing Europe in a Global Context

    • Johnny Kjellström

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications

      Project Manager for European Competition Day, arranged by the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and the Swedish Competition Authority and Presidency Coordinator, Division for Market and Competition.

    • Magnus Fridh

      Special Adviser, Ministry of Justice

      Contact for the conference 'Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights'.

  • Contacts in Brussels

    Would you like to contact the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels?

Marcus Andersson

Head of Section, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications

Eco-efficient economy

Phone: +46 8 405 37 91

Mobile: +46 76 780 21 40

Send email to Marcus Andersson

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  • What happens to the emails I submit?

    Please be aware that emails to contact persons are considered to be public documents and will therefore be entered into the relevant ministry's register. Anyone who wishes to view received emails can contact the relevant ministry's Senior Registry Clerk. Please note that contact persons reply to emails as time permits. During periods of high workload, there may be a delay before replies are sent. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.