Here you can find all contacts in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries in alphabetical order.

  • All contacts

    • Caisa Ahlroth

      Press Assistant, Ministry of Agriculture

    • Fredrik Alfer

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      EU trade agreements with third countries on animals and animal products, plants and plant products. Negotiations on Novel Foods Regulation.

    • Håkan Alfredsson

      Special Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Conference: Inland Water Brings Life into the Sea

    • Agnetha Alriksson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Fishing controls, Unregulated & Unreported Fishing (IUU), Migratory fish management, Aquaculture, Recreational fishing, Fisheries management, Structural and environmental issues,

    • Hans Andersson

      Deputy Director-General, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions, agromonetary issues

    • Tor Bergman

      Veterinary Officer, National Food Administration

      Codex Alimentarius, Task Force Antimicrobial Resistance

    • Lena Björnerot

      Deputy CVO, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party of Veterinary Experts, animal health

    • Ingeborg Bromée

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Chair of Working Party on Forestry. International forestry issues

    • Linda Broström

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      EU Coordination, Animal and Plant Issues

    • Leif Busk

      Scientific expert, National Food Administration

      Meeting: EFSA Advisory Forum, Meeting of Heads of European Food Safety Authorities

    • Anders Bäckstrand

      Desk Officer

    • Lars-Börje Croon

      Chief Government Inspector, National Food Administration

      Working Party of Veterinary Experts, fishery products

    • Eva Dahlberg

      Responsible official, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Seeds issues, plant variety law

    • Johanna Dahlin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Information Officer, Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers

    • Leif Denneberg

      Chief Veterinary Officer, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party of Chief Veterinary Officers

    • Patrik Eklöf

      Administrator, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party on Sugar and Isoglucose. Working Party on Special Plant Products

    • Cajsa Elfverson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Food products, food labelling, animal feed, GMOs

    • Ylva Engwall

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Meeting of Directors-General for Fisheries

    • Cecilia Eriksson Dahlberg

      Head of the Information Section, Ministry of Agriculture

    • Hanna Eriksson

      Information Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

    • Svanhild Foldal

      Senior Officer, National Food Administration

      Meeting: EFSA Advisory Forum, Meeting of Heads of European Food Safety Authorities

    • Christina Huhtasaari

      Deputy Director-General, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Conference of Directors-General for Paying Authorities

    • Mojtaba Ghodsi

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Post-2014 CAP, food exports, the Food Strategy, Culinary Sweden, quality products, EU budget review

    • René Guthof

      Information Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Meeting of Directors-General for Fisheries, Conference: Inland Water Brings Life into the Sea, Conference: Rural Areas Shaping the Future

    • Carmina Ionescu

      Senior Executive Officer, National Food Administration

      Codex coordinator, Food flavouring. Industrial contaminants, Environmental contaminants

    • Pernilla Ivarsson


      Working Party of Agricultural Counsellors/Attachés

    • Christina Isaksson Eldh

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Conference: Climate smart food, Novel food products

    • Gerben Janse

      International Coordinator, Swedish Forest Agency

    • Kerstin Jansson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Labelling, food standards, spirit drinks

    • Elin Johnson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      EU Coordination, Fisheries Issues

    • Urban Johnson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture


    • Helena Juth

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Fruit and vegetables

    • Malin Jörnehag

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Overall EU Coordination, Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers

    • Magnus Kindbom

      Acting Press Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson

      Ministry of Agriculture

    • Carina Knorpp

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Seeds

    • Stefan Källman

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Conference: Rural Areas Shaping the Future, Research issues in the green industries

    • Anna Larson

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Meeting of Directors-General for Fisheries

    • Viveka Larsson

      Veterinarian, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party of Veterinary Experts, public health

    • Camilla Lehorst

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Farm support and market regimes

    • Carl-Johan Lindén

      Counsellor for Agriculture

      Chair of the Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA), Common Agriculture Policy (CAP)

    • Birgitta Lund

      Director of Department, National Food Administration

      General labelling issues, Proposals for information regulation

    • Mette Svejgaard Lyngsøe

      Desk Officer, Ministry of the Environment

      Working Party on Agricultural Questions, Pesticides/Plant Protection Products

    • Carl-Fredrik Lööf

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Environmental issues relating to agriculture, biodiversity and cultural environments, less favoured areas

    • Anette Madsen

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Wine issues

    • Kristina Mattsson

      Administrator, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables, Working Party on Olive Oil, Working Party on Special Plant Products

    • Ingrid Mossberg

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Working Party of Veterinary Experts, animal welfare

    • Elima Mwinyipembe

      Information officer, Ministry of Agriculture

    • Lotta Möller

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      National forestry issues

    • Birgitta Naumburg

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Meeting of Directors-General for Forestry

    • Therese Nerlund (Bengtsson)

      Press Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson

      Ministry of Agriculture

    • Anna Niklasson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Animals and plants

    • Hans Nilsagård

      Deputy director, Ministry of Agriculture

      WPIEI Climate Change, LULUCF

    • Karin Nordin

      Chief Plant Health Officer, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party of Chief Plant Health Officers

    • Agneta Norgren

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Conference - Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparency in the Food Production Chain

    • Lena Odland

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Animal experiments

    • Ulrika Rinman

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      The sugar regime

    • Kierstin Petersson Grawé

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Food products, safe food products, nutrition labelling, labelling, conference: Climate Smart Food

    • Linda Persson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Conference of Directors-General for Paying Authorities

    • Lars Plym Forshell

      Communicable diseases coordinator, National Food Administration

      Food-transmitted communicable diseases

    • Maria Rosander

      Counsellor for Agriculture

      Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA)

    • Robin Rosenkranz

      Counsellor for Agriculture

      Chair of Working Party on Internal/External Fisheries Policy.

    • Catharina Rosqvist

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Conference Climate Smart Food

    • Eva Sjögren

      Acting Head of the Secretariat for EU Coordination and International Affairs

      Ministry of Agriculture, Overall planning

    • Joakim Skottheim

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      National regulatory reform and competition issues in agriculture

    • Ingrid Svedinger

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture

      Less favoured areas, Agriculture’s environmental issues

    • Jennie Sölving

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      EU Coordination, Food Issues

    • Anna Tofftén

      Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Working Party on Commodities (PROBA)

    • Aase Tronstad

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      Animal health, veterinary medicinal products, meeting of Chief Veterinary Officers

    • Caroline Törnemo

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      EU Coordination, Agricultural Issues, SCA

    • Fredrik von Unge

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Milk policy

    • Anders Wannberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Safe food products, GMOs, Meeting: EFSA Advisory Forum, Meeting of Heads of European Food Safety Authorities

    • Stig Widell

      Responsible official, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Animal feed and animal by-products

    • Gudrun Wilkens

      Administrator, Swedish Board of Agriculture

      Working Party of Veterinary Experts. Potsdam Group

    • Helena Vängby

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture

      EU agricultural policy reform, simplification

    • Mathilda Åberg

      Counsellor for Agriculture

      Foodstuffs, feedingstuffs, seeds and phytosanitary issues

    • Marcus Öhman

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

      Fisheries, primarily the Baltic Sea

Agneta Norgren

Desk Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

Conference - Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparency in the Food Production Chain

Phone: +46 8 405 40 69

Send email to Agneta Norgren

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