
Happy New Year and Good Luck Spain


The year is coming to its end and so is the Swedish Presidency. It has been a fantastic year with so much fun, hard work and a lot of results. It has really been a privilege to be able to move the European agenda forward for six months. Apart for some rest over Christmas, this week has been dominated by the entering into force of the service directive and the demonstrations and arrests in Iran.

The service directive is good for Europe, it will facilitate for service providers, create new jobs and improve for consumers.

The turmoil in Iran is deeply worrying even if we know very little of what is actually happening. Rumours talk about arrests and killings of dissidents, something totally unacceptable. If I could wish one thing for 2010, it would be for democracy and respect for human rights to come also to Iran.

In only a few hours, Spain will take over the Presidency of the European Union. I am sure we are in safe hands with them and wish them all the best.

With this, this blog will close. I thank all readers and wish you a Happy New Year!


Serbia, Christmas and the Spanish Presidency


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It is no secret that we would have wished for a better deal in Copenhagen. The deal the world finally could agree on will not solve the climate issue. There was a lack of political will from some parts and with the current structure of the climate convention, where consenus is needed to come to a decision, the possibilities to delay the discussions are noticeable. Together with several African countries and small island states, the EU pushed for a more ambitious outcome, but those with the lowest ambitions set the agenda.

Among the positive results from Copenhagen is the recognition of the two degree target. The commitment to pay for adaptation and mitigation in the developing countries is also important. The commitment from the industrialized countries amounts to about 30 billion dollars for the period 2010-2012, of which the EU and Japan will contribute with more than 10 billion dollars each, while the US puts in 3,6 billion dollars.

The commitments to emissions reductions, however, remain too weak and no long-term goal is set. Many unclear points remain, for example the fundamental issue how we could come to a new legally binding agreement for those not included in the Kyoto protocol.

It is also disturbing that the deal does not clearly state that we now strive for a global, legally binding agreement during 2010. A lot of work remains to be done if we are to build on this deal and reach an agreement that would put the two degree target within reach.