Contact – Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs

In the section below, you can search for the right contact person within the area of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs. You can get in touch with people for statements, background information on a factual issue or information on those meetings that relate to the area. Click on the heading “Show all” to show all contacts in the subject area in alphabetical order.

  • Statements

    Are you looking for a statement on the Swedish Presidency’s position within the area of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs?

    • Yoav Bartal

      Press Secretary to the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality

      Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

    • Karolin A Johansson

      Press Secretary to Minister for Employment Sven Otto Littorin

      Ministry of Employment

    • Martin Kits

      Press Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Health and Social Affairs Göran Hägglund

    • Petra Kjellarson

      Press Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Health and Social Affairs Göran Hägglund

    • Niclas Thorselius

      Press Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health Maria Larsson

    • Mychèle Östman

      Press Secretary. Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Press Secretary to Minister for Social Security Cristina Husmark Pehrsson

  • Background information

    Are you looking for factual information on a specific topic within the area of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs?

    • Thomas Allvin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Issues relating to the directive on rights of patients to health, medical and dental care in another EU country

    • Karin Bengtson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert on gender equality, meeting coordinator for Conference on strategies to combat men’s violence against women.

    • Barbro Carlqvist

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Employment

      Expert on labour market inclusion. Meeting coordinator for the High Level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion and the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Security.

    • Christina Hammarstedt

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert Self-employed activities directive

    • Fredrik Lennartsson

      Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Overall information on health issues and social issues

    • Johan Lindberg

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Chair of the Working Party on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, issues relating to medicinal products

    • Gustaf Lindgren

      Counsellor for employment

      Chairperson of the Working Party on Social Questions, ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council ), Employment and labour market policy, Health and Safety at work, Social Dialogue

    • Annika Mansnérus

      Counsellor for social affairs

      Chairperson of the Working Party on Social Questions, social affairs, social protection, equality between men and women (violence against women, follow-up of the Beijing conference), narcotics

    • Fredrik Moen

      Counsellor for Health

      Chair of the Working Party on Public Health, pharmaceuticals/medical devices, public health (alcohol etc.)

    • Anna Schölin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert Anti-discrimination directive

    • Birgitta Åseskog

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Expert on gender equality and growth (Lisbon post 2010) and Council follow-up of UN action plan for gender equality.

  • Meeting information

    Are you looking for practical information about one of the events being arranged by the Presidency in the area of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs?

    • Elisabet Aldenberg

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      8th Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion, misuse and dependency care, homelessness, national action plan on social inclusion

    • Patrik Andersson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference on labour market inclusion, MISSOC meeting, issues on ill-health, labour market inclusion, demography, ageing population

    • Hanna Björknäs

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Meeting coordinator for the conference of Director-Generals for Industrial Relations

    • Lina Feltwall

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Employment

      Practical information on the Informal EPSCO Council Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Security. Presidency issues about the labour market.

    • Daniel Forslund

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Information supply and ICT in health and social care, eHealth

    • Christina Gynnå Oguz

      Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Chair of Horizontal Working Party on Drugs, Drug Coordinators’ Meeting, drug policy issues

    • Thomas Göransson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Practical information on the informal meeting of the Employment Committee (EMCO)

    • Cecilia Halle

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference: Innovative Incentives for Effective Antibacterials

    • Anna Hedin

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Health issues on informal EPSCO council meeting

    • Karin Hjelmer

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Expert Conference on Alcohol and Health

    • Niclas Jacobson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference on Healthy and Dignified Ageing, elderly issues

    • Anita Janelm

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference ‘Influenza preparedness and response – lessons learned and next steps’, conference ‘Innovative Incentives for Effective Antibacterials’, issues on communicable diseases

    • Anna Malmström

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Meeting coordinator for the High Level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion

    • Maria Melin

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Employment

      Practical information on the conference of Director-Generals for Industrial Relations and the High-level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion.

    • Anne Nilsson

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference: Assessing Drug Effectiveness – Common Opportunities and Challenges for Europe

    • Maria Nilsson

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Conference: Innovative Incentives for Effective Antibacterials

    • Tanja Olsson Blandy

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Meeting coordinator for ‘What does gender equality mean for economic growth and employment?’ and meeting of the High Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming.

    • Kasper Paulig

      Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      General information on social issues, labour market inclusion and social insurance

    • Maria Renström

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      Expert Meeting on Alcohol and Health, alcohol issues in the EU and the WHO, alcohol issues

    • Mihail Stoican

      Desk Officer, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

      High-level meeting of Permanent Group ‘L’Europe de l’enfance’, children’s rights issues.

    • Astrid Utterström

      Senior Adviser, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality

      Meeting coordinator for Equality Summit

  • Contacts in Brussels

    Would you like to contact the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels?

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Barbro Carlqvist

Senior Adviser, Ministry of Employment

Expert on labour market inclusion. Meeting coordinator for the High Level Conference on Labour Market Inclusion and the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Security.

Phone: +46 8 405 10 00

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This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d’auteur.

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    Please be aware that emails to contact persons are considered to be public documents and will therefore be entered into the relevant ministry’s register. Anyone who wishes to view received emails can contact the relevant ministry’s Senior Registry Clerk. Please note that contact persons reply to emails as time permits. During periods of high workload, there may be a delay before replies are sent. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.