Agriculture and Fisheries

Swedish Minister for Agriculture, Eskil Erlandsson

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Long-term sustainable fisheries

Fisheries policy is one of the EU’s common policy areas, which means that all EU Member States are subject to the same regulations. The present common fisheries policy has not achieved its goals and a review of its provisions will take place by 2012. The demand for food is increasing and fish are an important resource. By managing fish resources in a sensible way over the long term, the volume of fish can increase. As holder of the Presidency in autumn 2009, Sweden will initiate the debate on the future fisheries policy.

Denna webbplats fungerar numera som arkiv och uppdateras inte. Här fanns tidigare ett foto som är borttaget på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.

This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

Food and climate – the global challenges

Two of the main global challenges facing agriculture are managing the impact of agriculture on climate and the impact of climate change on agriculture, and securing global food supply. (Photo: Pelle Söder / Folio)

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This website is now functioning as an archive and will not be updated. Previously there was a photo here which has been removed for copyright reasons.

Faisant dorénavant office d’archives, ce site n’est plus remis à jour. Ici se trouvait précédemment placée une photo ayant été retirée pour des raisons de droits d'auteur.

Sound animal husbandry and healthy animals

Sound animal husbandry is key to the well-being of animals, to consumer confidence in food production, to public health and to the producers’ financial situation. Good animal welfare is essential for sound animal husbandry. The aim of the Swedish Presidency is to advance work on animal welfare issues and to keep the debate alive on the importance of good animal welfare in the EU.

Making decisions on rural development and fishing quotas

Once a month, the Union’s ministers for agriculture and/or fisheries meet. Issues on the agenda could include food control, animal rights or quotas for Europe’s fishing waters. The ministers also gather for an informal meeting once during each six-month presidency. During the Swedish Presidency, this will take place on 13-15 September in Växjö, under the leadership of Sweden’s Minister for Agriculture, Eskil Erlandsson.

More about agriculture and fisheries